Who Isaac Really Is

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"We are the champions, my friends." Andy dang along with the song coming through the speakers. He had put on his Queen playlist and had been dancing around the kitchen.

Isaac laughs as he watched Andy from where he was at the side of the door. Andy was cutting the skinny pineapple cheesecake into tiny bars. He set them on a large white tray and placed a cherry on each of them. He then grabs a small saucer and carefully placed four pineapple cheesecake squares on it with cherries.

The song changes to Radio Ga Ga and Isaac couldn't help but laugh when Andy began to wiggle, trying his best to dance and sing on key. Andy doesn't jump, he just turns and continues dancing, wiggling his fingers as he beckons Isaac to come closer.

"A fan of Freddie then?" Isaac asks as he takes Andy's hand in his and began to dance, raising their hand up and giving Andy a spin.

"No. I'm a fan of Queen. The entire band, not just the lead singer." Andy replies, still bobbing his head to the song. Isaac smiles at that and they danced for the remainder of the song. When the song was done and another song comes on, Andy led Isaac to his seat and set a plate of the pineapple dessert on the table.

"Try this. It's a pineapple cheesecake cake with cherries. This was made with a secret ingredient, don't ask what it is because I won't tell you." Andy says with a small laugh. He held a fork out to Isaac who took it. The prince was staring at the dessert with a hesitant look.

He really wasn't a fan of pineapples but he had promised Andy he would try out his recipe. It's not like he was going to keel over and die from eating one forkful of what was a delicious pastry since it was made by Andy himself.

Andy held his breath as he watched Isaac cut a small piece and slid it into his mouth. The cake melts on Isaac's tongue and the rich flavor of the combination of both pineapple and cheese was fantastic. Mind blowing even.

"This is ... good." Isaac said and takes another slice and another until he was done with the pastries. Andy's smile was so bright, Isaac thought it mirrored the sun.

"Of course it's good. I made it." Andy laughs, he does a little spin in the kitchen, his arms raised at his side like he was staring at a crowd.

"You are so modest, it's unreal." Isaac sassed as he get up from his seat. He placed the plate in the dishwasher and made his way to Andy after he takes a large gulp of water.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Andy winks.

Isaac shakes his head fondly at the man. He had never seen nor had any one ever regarded him like that. No one has spoken to him like this, like he was just a regular person, like he was just one of the guys. Andy doesn't see the Crown, he just sees Isaac as a person. Not a Prince, not even as a soon to be King.

"What's the plan for today?" Isaac asked as he pulls on a hideous bright red apron with yellow and purple large stripes.

"There's a pick up for the birthday cake." Andy points at the cardboard box on the large counter. "There's also a private birthday party thrown here for a little boy, he's turning five and he wanted a large tea party, complete with shortbreads, cookies and the lot." Andy says with a bright smile, his excitement clear on his face.

"So what do I have to do?" Isaac asked.

"It'd be lovely if you could help out with the birthday tea party." Andy clasped his hands in front of him, bouncing a bit on his feet and Isaac is so so gone. Andy was adorable, kind, sweet, he was everything Isaac never thought he'd find.

"Anything for you." Issac replied.

The pick for the cake went by smoothly. The cake was s three layer chocolate cake, dark chocolate at the bottom, milk cocoa chocolate in the middle and tempered couverture chocolate at the top, the icing was a mixture of chocolate and vanilla and Andy had designed it with skittles on the top and Oreos imbedded in the sides of the cake.

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