How They Met Again

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"You actually used the word 'fuck' when you talked to the prince?" Annie asked and Andy groans again. He's trying to pull out a new batch of arm sized cookies from the oven. He's got his oven mitts on and he's just waiting for the timer to go off before he pulls it out.

He had told Annie what had happened at the Palace and she just couldn't stop making fun of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you the same story again and again. It's been two days already." Andy said, jumping a bit when the timer goes off. It's five in the morning and the store opens at seven, they just had two hours to get ready.

The croissants were done and already in the glass display, so were the cupcakes and biscuits, all that was left was the cake loaf and the cookies that were thankfully now done.

"It's not my fault you disrespected the Crown Prince." Annie shrugged as she stacked the paper cups on one side and cartons of different tea on the other side.

"Please don't remind me. I'm just going to keep on believing I dreamt that and prepare for the coronation. The Queen says she's going to send over the kind of pastries she wants at the coronation." Andy said as he pulls out the hot pan from the oven, he pulls off his oven mitts and grabbed the spatula. He carefully placed the cookies on the large white tray beside him.

"Did she tell you why she picked you?"

"All she said was I had a very important admirer who loves my baking."

"Maybe it's the prince." Annie said.

"Maybe you watch too much movies."  Andy shoots back and Annie sticks her tongue at him.

It doesn't take long for him to arrange the display in the main store and to add cake loaves to the display. Many elople were fan of his cake loaves, especially the red velvet with vanilla cream and diced strawberries on it. He even artfully pours chocolate syrup on it, in form of his initials. A.O. P.

When Andy was done, he pulls off his apron and hangs it on the wall. He ran his hands down his shirt, nodding when he sees he had managed not to get his clothes stained with flour.

When he checks the time, he sees it's 6:47 am and cheers. He was done early. He grabbed a cup and a ratchet of coffee. He pours it into the cup and adds hot water, two spoons of sugar and milk. Annie was sitting in the middle of the store, typing away on her phone, a cup of tea in front of her.

"Here." Andy said as he slides a plate of cookies and biscuits towards her. They chat as they eat, Andy nibbling on his biscuits. Annie had on a green sweater and bright blue pants and red sneakers, her hair styled in a ponytail.

By seven, Andy flips the sign from CLOSED to OPEN. It takes a few minutes until people starting pouring in. Annie and Andy get to work, handing out plates of pastries and watching customers make their own tea or coffee.

The money goes into the cash register and people are given their change along with their receipt.  By ten, everything settles and the crowd dwindles. There were only a handful of people in the store, eating and typing away at their phone or laptop or talking to someone.

"I've got to check on my Mum. Can you man the fort?" Annie asked, pulling her phone from her pocket. Annie nods and waves her off. She blows him a kiss and floats out of the store.

A few minutes later, the store was empty save for an old man reading the papers and munching on some of Andy's biscuits. The door was pulled open and in walks a tall man, a large cap on his hair and thick framed glasses. The stranger had on a black shirt and black jeans with thick brown boots.

Andy stared at him warily. "Hi. Welcome to That's So Pastry."

"So this is where you work?" The person says and Andy frowns, he takes a step backwards and tries to not freak out. He doesn't know who this man is. Though... he realizes, the strange man sounded familiar.

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