Mythical Masters (Book Info pt 4)

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The fight never ends all of the innocent people and Dragon's fight for their freedom and most of them got injured and one by one the Hunter's started to die or bleed to death while the innocent ones are starting to win together with The Dragon's guess that leader made a very good plan about this so that the Hunter's won't kill them instead they trapped them in their own trap.
The Hunter wasn't really happy when seeing
"W-what? No..... How did you do this..?" Asked the leader

"Your brain... Sir.... Because you made a terrible mistake... That made me angry.." Said Brooklyn

"What mistake?"he asked again

"You brainwashed all the innocent people thinking that Monster's and Dragon's are bad ones then asking them to kill it to take make you a magical person... You.... You Liar!" Said Brooklyn

Then the Leader got hit by Yín's tail and fainted so he help the others then he told the other Dragons to Fly away and go back in Village as he helped Brooklyn he thanked him for the best plan they did together as the Hunters Leader stand up and grabbed the spear to make a direct hit on Brooklyn and threw the spear on him then Yín saw the spear coming close to Brooklyn so he pushed him out of the way and he got stabbed on his left arm for sure you now know how he got those scars.He got Hurt badly and Yín breaths fire to burn him to death.
Brooklyn felt worried about him
"Are you ok? That spear got a direct hit on your arm.." Said Brooklyn

"I'am ok... We need to go.. NOW!" Yelled Yín
Brooklyn hop on Yín's Back and flew off.The Hunter was soon turning into ashes but when he's being burned to death a Shadow-like figure came to him

"Help... *coughs* what...? W-Who are you?" He Asked
"I'am Shadow Demon.... I will help defeat those idiotic people... Join me and we will be unstoppable..." Said the Shadow Demon

He started to laugh uncontrollably together with the shadow demon and told his real name

"I haven't told you my name yet? Did I?" He Said
"Well... What's your name?" Asked Shadow Demon
"Andri..." He said as he grinned next to him

I was really mad at Andri because he was making things worse killing all the Dragons and Creatures for powers this makes him more....
Like a Shadow Demon....
Meanwhile Brooklyn and Yín finally arrived at the village they saw the Silver Dragon injured so they try to heal it when he come back home Petal rushed through the door and hugged him as she started to cry.she missed her father so much then they both checked the egg.its still safe but their was a problem after a few seconds petal strayed coughing again but it's way more Brooklyn took her to the doctor and check what kind of disease she have then he was shocked to find out that his daughter have lung cancer and she's really in a bad condition.worst of all is she can't Fulfill her dreams even she needs to stay at home and cannot go out making other people sad that she's not outside for weeks they started to check up on her even greeted also the other kids told her to be strong and never give up that makes her smile.Brooklyn told Yín about her sickness but he already knew a spirit always know what or when is it going to may thought Brooklyn throw out his temper out of him but he didn't as he begged him to heal her but Yín cannot heal her making Brooklyn burst into tears because she's the only family left to be with.Yín told him to cherish the moments with her so that you'll remember the good times with her and he did of course even brought her flowers to make her happy and Petal told him to put it in her vase where she puts all her flowers.He looked at the egg and brought it to show her again as she holds it she even told what name she gave it to it.after all the cherish moments comes to end Petal started breathing heavily making Brooklyn in a panic dropping his cup of tea and he picked her up together with the egg and he's rushing towards other villagers to find Yín.He finally found him with other dragons and he told about his daughter that she's dying making Yín also sad trying to comfort her the other villagers saw this and they were feeling upset that her time is up.Yín told to Brooklyn to bury her under the flowers where she grew them and don't dig it up just make her lay down there.Brooklyn carried her and bringing her where she plants all her flowers as the villagers followed him then she started to talk to her father.
"Father..... Are we.... Going home?" She Asked
"Yes you are.... You need to rest..." Said Brooklyn
Petal starts questioning him but he doesn't mind that at all because he loved her daughter so much.
"I miss my mother....why those bad people killed her? Did we do something wrong?" Asked Petal
"No.... Because we stood up to them to save innocent creatures like Yín... That's why they wanted to kill us..." Said Brooklyn
"*giggles*.... Yín told me you used to be a Hunter... But you left them because of what they did....right...? Asked Brooklyn
"Betrayed them....yes I did the right thing because of how beautiful the nature is,even Yín and the others thanks to those Axolthorns..." Said Brooklyn
"I'm glad you did father..... You're the best... You always make me happy... Giving me flowers and Roses is the best thing,even making me take care Yín's egg...." Said Petal
"Yeah... I always do it for you... Because I care for you..." Said Brooklyn
They almost reached their home as Brooklyn saw where she planted her flowers and all of a sudden the thorn vines starts growing more bigger as he came close to it and made her lay down.
"Father..... Don't go... I want to tell you something before I leave your arms..." She Said
"Yes my sweetheart...." Said Brooklyn
The vines started holding her arms and legs even the yellow flowers starts blooming in her eyes.
"I want to thank you for everything.... Take this egg with you and don't let those mean Hunters take it away.... Ok father? *giggles* don't be sad father... You'll always be there for me.... I love you father...." Said Petal as she released her arms
"I love you too..." Said Brooklyn
People left him to make him feel comfortable and stay there for a while so that he won't be more depressed.the flowers started blooming more as her body was slowly being taken by the flowers and thorn-vines.the egg glowed blue in color to make the flowers move and feel like Petal as Brooklyn started crying in pain.he heard Petals voice again as it keeps whispering to him
"*Don't cry father.... Don't cry.... I will stay here forever...*" She Said as the Rose bloomed out of the flowers
He plucked the Rose and smiled like never before as Yín went back to the village.
So means if people are starting die they should make them rest in the flower bed where Petal died.I saw the flower bed everytime it started to get bigger as it blooms more flowers and thorns.this shows that everyone who died in the village doesn't wanted to leave Petal all alone as it made her more happy.
After two days the Silver egg hatched as the baby dragon started yawning.Brooklyn showed Yín that his egg hatched and they realized that it's a she.Brooklyn remembered what petal told him so he named the Baby Silver Dragon Yínzi.
Yín approved that name because Petal gave the name.she had a very though experience but she often take some breaks for a while and always wanted to train herself no matter what.Yínzi is just like her father and he often train her because she's the next Spirit to summon other Spirits in the Crystal Orbs.As the time passed by they were attacked with no reason by Hunters and killed some Silver Dragons one by one but they were out numbered.Andri wanted to shoot Yínzi but Yín move her out as he shoot him down.Yínzi started crying and got angry at Andri as she hit him by her tail.Yínzi tried to make him recover but he doesn't want to he must go he even tell the other Dragons to escape.Who knows what happened to the other Silver Dragons but some said they didn't exist anymore.The Axolthorns also need to go making all the Villagers sad and the children cried to come back.Brooklyn rushed to see him as he was bleeding to death then again Andri stood up pointing the shotgun to Yínzi, Brooklyn saw that and told Yínzi to move and Andri shot Brooklyn.That was Andri's last bullet as he got stand up and pull out the dagger ready to fight Yínzi,She Growls as they were fighting she got three cuts from him in her she use her tail and throw him far away from the village as she rushed back to see her Brooklyn and her father bleeding.Yín told her that she also loved her as he said to place Brooklyn in the flower bed the he disappeared into dust.
She carried Brooklyn where her father told her to place him as she reached to the flower bed he said his last words to her.
"Thank you..... For making me happy too... Petal took care of you and gave you the name Yínzi.... Now you must leave this place,take the Crystal Orbs with you....... Go and never come back.... Don't worry I'll be here with my daughter.." He said as he was tangled by the vine thorns.

Yínzi listened to what he said and flew away from the village and take the bag with Crystal Orbs with it.when he's taken by the flowers he suddenly woke up in it and there he saw all the people who died even his daughter Petal.he rushed quickly to his daughter and hugged her as they started to burst into tears.Everyone was happy even Brooklyn because he wanted to stay together with his daughter.
As Yínzi flew far from the village she landed on the forest with tall trees and birds chirping.she suddenly saw a blue cat stuck in a metal-like wire crying for help as her neck started bleeding.Yínzi saw her and cut off the metal-like wire and tried to heal her for a bit and the blue cat told her that her name was Skyla and she's helping a wizard to find herbs in the forest then she got trapped in a metal object that the Hunters place to find dragons called Axolthorns to kill them.Yínzi got angry and told Skyla what happened making her upset that they wanted to kill innocent Dragons from her kind as well.suddenly one Crystal orb came out of her bag which was the Spirit Cat them Skypa touched it and somehow bonded with it. Now she's the second Spirit summoned out.Skyla felt a bit dizzy so Yínzi told her about the wizards and so she told her the path as they finally reached their destination as theWizards whispered

Skyla came home with all the herbs she collected and welcomed Yínzi inside but She's too big to fit in a house that's smaller.then an old wise wizard over heard them laughing but of their size.he was quite amazed that A Silver Dragon actually came in his house so he greeted it outside.when they greeted each other she told about the whole incident what happened he was also upset and also saw that his young friend got injured in a metal wire by those mad hunters.He was really hurt that they are hurting innocent creatures even Skyla his little companion got injured in her neck.Few days later Yínzi somehow bonded with other creatures like monsters golems even animals that are small but she's more with Skyla.they became inseparable and good friends as they share what power they have.
Skyla can test other humans if they are good or bad and if they are bad she hisses at them because they made a terrible mistake for what they make her stop hating you it's possible you can forgive some people who treated unfairly or bad to them then she'll start to like you and purr but she have to leave them when they are done.her power is that she can see in the dark,good sense of smell,good at swimming which means she's not afraid of the water,Howling,Scratches her enemies with her sharp claws making them into a ghost,Paralyzing her enemies,Courageous Leader to all animals like stray,pet or wild and Her eyes will glare blue to all the animals not for evil. She gave them a vision about the person if they are bad or not. If they are bad they must attack them or growl at them.its quite scary but it's her power

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