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After the brutal scene allen phoned a certain creepy creature "hey I got some stuff for ya....I'm at slender's mansion...ok see ya" allen hung up and placed all the body parts in a black bag. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!"~allen. allen Answered the door "hey pinkamina,Here's the pieces" he said,handing the bag to the pony. "Bye"allen Said as he closed the door. "What was all that about?" Asked Ben. "I found someone walking through the woods and he got the consequences,then I sold them to pinkamina" "Oh. Ok,well slender wants you and I think it was your brother to come meet the rest of the family" allen  nodded and went into the kitchen. "Everyone,this is Jackson and allen. Boys this is eyeless jack, hoodie, masky, Toby, puppeteer, bloodypainter, Ben,candy pop,Jason toymaker,smiley,ryan And Jane " "sup!"~Jackson. "Hey" muttered allen. "I shall leave you to eat your breakfast,goodbye" "so Jackson,how do you and allen kill your victims?"Asked ryan. "Oh I just stab them but allen likes to be brutal" "you can say that again" smirked allen as he high-fives his brother. "Hey Who wants to go into cp town?"~Jackson. Nearly Everyone Cheered "I can't,I'm meeting clockwork,maybe next time"~jane. "Ok."~Jackson. "Yeah sorry,me,Hoodie and Toby are going on a mission" "that's fine,we can hang out another time" "neither can I. I'm a vampire,i'll burn"~ryan. "yeah,and I need to make sure ryan doesn't do anything stupid"~devin.  allen sighed and left the table,leaving his breakfast and grabbing an apple on the way out. "What's up with allen?"~candy pop. "Oh he's always like this around new people,he'll get used to it and he'll go back to his normal self." Smiled Jackson. "If you say so"

Devin's pov (3 hour after the others went to cp town)

I was sat on my bed,listening to music but suddenly near enough the whole mansion came crashing into my room,some injured some out of breath. "What's gotten into you lot?" "A guy took him,he had blue hair. He said come to the bar alone at 3 or else"~ben "great, now I've got to go to cp town and get my brother back" "we'll come with you"~Jason. "No,he said come alone"~ candypop "we'll wait for you here"~e.j. "Thanks,now go clean yourselves up" as everyone left i sighed and walked to my closet and got changed into a long black leather coat,black ripped skinnies, a pair of black sneakers and a blue and white t-shirt. After getting change i teleported to cp town,near my destination. I opened the doors and immediately Everyone looked at me "I'm baaaack" i announced in an emotionless tone. "Loser,party for 1. Right this way" said Julian as he slid a chair towards me,I stopped it which made Julian laugh a bit. I sat in the seat (like below👇🏻)

 I sat in the seat (like below👇🏻)

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"Place still stinks" I commented. "Oh I'm sorry,we're down a butler,Prince. You know I've dreamed about this,you wanting something from me,and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook" "I'm flattered you dream of me,I haven't given you a second thought since I left" Julian slammed his hands on the table "obviously" "look if you have a score to settle with me then game on,I see no reason to bring Jackson into this" "I may seem unnecessarily,Oh but it's so much fun. So here's the deal" "just like your father,straight to the point" Julian put his elbow on the table,ready for an arm wrestle"you win,Jackson's free to go" "Deal" i did the same. " Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?" "Still dreaming Julian. On 3.1" "2"~Julian. "3"~both. We both began the arm wrestle. "That whole innocent ugh,I never bought it for a second. You can act innocent but your still a monster,human or not" "and you can slap a pair of boots on but your still shrimpy" Julian started to win but it soon changed when my eyes glowed a bright green and started to win. Julian pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to me, and let's say what was on it angered me so much i broke the table. "Where is he?" I Asked impatiently. "Where do you think?" "allen...." I turned around to see my beaten up brother,I ran towards him and hugged him "son of a bitch,give me one good reason why I shouldn't dissect you then pull all your organs out!" Julian only Laughed. "Do you Seriously want me to dissect you?!" I yelled "Come on allen,he's not worth it." "Your right,he's not worth arguing with....he's worth killing!" I grabbed a knife and threw it at his shoulder. "Come on let's go" me and Jackson walked out the bar.

L.j's PoV

Me,will and Jeff were drinking "jeff,gimme your*hicup* keys. Your to drunk to drive"~me. "l.j.."~jeff. "No buts" "l.j, we walked"~will. "Hehe,I'm so drunk I don't know what's what anymore" suddenly we here the doors open,we all looked at the entrance and saw a handsome guy in mostly black. "I'm baaack" he smirked. "Shit. Is that really him?"~will. "What are you talking about?" I Asked. "Bloodshed,rumour has it he's more brutal than any creepypasta in the world." Will whispered. "So?"~jeff. "So? So?! The guy is a legend around here,but I wonder where his brother is,he never leaves without him unless..."~will "unless what?"~me. "Unless serpent,the guy with the blue hair,kidnapped him" "hey your right"~me. "What makes you think that? I'm only guessing" me and Jeff pointed to the commotion. When the see an injured bluette and that bloodshed guy walking away with a blonde guy. We walked outside and noticed the two talking and a 3rd guy who looked like he was about to kill that bloodshed guy "look out bloodshed!"~will. Bloodshed turned around and stabbed the guy. "Hey thanks,the names Jackson also known as-" "voodoo doll, I'm a fan of yours"~will. "see allen,i told you I have fans" "I never said you didn't" devin replied whilst sweat dropping.

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