ch 3

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a/n:i was rereading ch 2 and noticed I had put devin instead of allen,well that's because allen was originally going to be called devin but I changed it because I realised smiley's name is devin. I apologise

(Ryan's PoV)

After Allen came back with a badly beaten Jackson I told e.j to get the first aid kit,which he did. Allen asked me wether I wanted to go on a killing spree with him,now I don't particularly like people but Allen reminds me of someone who Devin used to hang out with. "I'll think about it" I walked to Devin's room to have a talk with him. "I think you should go,Allen doesn't seem to be far off your personality and he...he..." "he reminds of that kid you use to visit in care back when you was sane" " may seem weird I'm fussing over a kid but they both seem to have the same personality in a way" "I get it." "You know, come to think of it you and that kid seem to have something in common" "really? What?" Ryan Asked as he took a drag of his fag "You don't feel pain" "I know I can't because I'm a demon and a vampire but how-" "C.I.P." "C.I.P? What the fuck is that?" "Congenital insensitivity towards pain" "oh so that's what humans call it now,we call it 'being emotionless' or emo for short" "Ryan,the kid died from a car accident." "Crap. Sorry Devin" "it's fine.anyway,have you made your mind up?" "Nearly. But tell me more about this kid" "well he liked demons and anything dark-" "I wanna see this kid, you mind if I look through your memories?" "Sure" I touched Devin's forehead and started to skim through his memories.


"Whoa" i gasped as i looked around,something caught my attention. "Devin?" I ran towards Devin's bored form,walking past an orphanage. "Ow! Get off me you freak!" Devin looked towards the orphan's and saw a boy with raven black hair dragging a girl to a climbing frame then pushed her off. I saw Devin's face go from bored to surprised.

The scenery changed to Devin talking to the ranvenette kid. "Nobody understands you,do they?" He shook his head. "My names Devin,what's yours?" "Luka." "Well luka,Tell me about yourself?" "I like anything that's dark and demons but I don't like people." "Oh, why's that?" "They think I'm a monster" "why?" "I can't feel pain" "I see. Well that doesn't matter,I don't think your a freak" "really?" Devin nodded "so what do you wanna do when your older?" "Well I want to hack Into stuff and have lots of piercings"

-change of scenery-

A silver Range Rover flipped over and was soon set on fire "luka!" Devin went towards the car but it soon exploded.


I separated myself from Devin. "He seemed a good human,how was the accident caused?" "Nobody knows" "you should come killing with us,I'm sure allen wouldn't mind" Devin nodded and followed me downstairs. "You coming?" Allen Asked. "Yeah,So is Devin"~me. "The more the merrier as they say" Allen says as he clicks his gun and puts it in his pocket.

30 minuets later...

We were currently on our way back to the mansion but suddenly we heard a low growl.

We turned our heads,there in the shadows was a figure in a hoodie. They went to attack us but was suddenly pulled by a figure "Bad hunter,what did I say about attacking people without permission." Said an emotionless tone,the person came out of the shadows and revealing a guy with silver orbs,nine inch horns and green hair. "Sorry for hunter's behaviour. My names- Allen? What are you doing here?" "I got transferred to slender's mansion" "oh. Well skull's been getting worried, you haven't visited him in years" "Crap,I knew I was forgetting something"~Allen. "I'm sorry but who are you?"~Devin. "Guys this is ingvir,he's a dragon. Ingvir this is Devin aka smiley and Ryan,Who is a demon/vampire" "Nice to meet you both" ingvir grabbed Allen's wrist "come on, skull needs to see you" "Can Ryan and Devin come with me?" "Can't see why not. Now let's go"with that said ingvir led us to a mansion. "Skull? You here?" Asked ingvir. A ball was chucked,grabbing hunter's attention who then chased after it. "Oh your there." Allen turned on the lights,revealing a guy with raven hair,looking paranoid in his chair. "What's wrong?"~ingvir. "It's his father. I can sense it"~Allen. The guy nodded. "When's he coming?" Asked ingvir. The guy pointed to calendar which had today's date on,circled and with the time on "that's in 5 minuets!"~Allen. Suddenly a loud screech sound was heard,ingvir looked through the curtains "we have to get out of here" the door unlocked "get in the closet." Allen Ordered as he pushed us into the big closet. "Son,I'm home" the dad announced. No response. You know what I'm just gonna presume this guy is a mute! "This Skull guy....he looks familiar" muttered Devin. "I hear ya Devin." I muttered back. The father walked into the living room "I see your still up. Shall I take you to bed?" Skull nodded,the father picked his son up and carried him upstairs. We quietly got out of the closet. "We have to take Skull with us" muttered Devin. "Why?" "Because that guy is a rapist."I nodded. "We'll help you. Hunter you know what to do" hunter ran out of the mansion. As for us we went upstairs and went to Skull's room. When we got near the door Devin took a peek,I felt a huge amount of rage build in him. I was about to have a look but Devin slammed the door open,grabbed the man and slit his throat. "Allen pack Bloodshed stuff" Devin Ordered,Allen started doing so. I looked over Devin's shoulder to see Skull unconscious due to being drugged. "Done"~Allen. With that said slender appeared "hunter came to me. What is the problem?" He Asked But Soon noticed Skull's body. "Oh child, I tried to warn you but I guess I was too late" slender used his tentacles to pick up Skull. "Let's go" slender teleported back to his mansion. "E.j please take the boy to the infirmary" Slender said,handing e.j Skull.e.j nodded and took him to the infirmary. "Boys, I want you to meet jeff-" "l.j,grossman. Good to see ya" "hey allen." Greeted l.j. "you guys are living here now?"~Devin. "Heck yeah!"~grossman. "Alright Everyone,it's time to go to bed"

-next day- (no PoV)

"Oi you lazy assholes! Wake up!" Yelled a voice. Ryan and everyone else opened their room doors "Allen? What's going on?"~Jackson. "Skull's gone! We need to separate and search the mansion top to bottom. Jeff,l.j,puppeteer,candy pop you check down stairs. Me,ingvir,Ryan,Jackson,bloody painter and Devin will check the bedrooms,the rest of you check upstairs. Everyone nodded and separated to go and do so.

"Why are we looking? We don't even know what this Skull looks like" Jeff complained. After 4 hours of looking jeff opens a door to see a boy sat on the ground,he looked sad.

"Hey kid are you Skull?" The guy nodded. Soon candy pop,puppeteer and l.j joined Jeff. "Aw,she's cute"~candy pop. "It's a guy"puppeteer corrected. "I'll go tell everyone we found him"~candy pop. 'He is pretty cute.' Jeff Thought. "Thanks jeff." Ingvir picked skull up and place him on the couch "I'm pretty sure the guy can walk by himself"~jeff. Ryan slapped jeff across the head "don't be rude." "Skull can't walk,he has something wrong with his legs" ingvir muttered but loud enough for the group to here. "So he's crippled?" Ryan slapped Jeff's head. "It's fine. Jeff is right." "how did he get like that?" Asked Devin. "I think it has something to do with his past"~Jackson. 'Could it be? Luka?'devin And Ryan Thought. "Tell me your real name luka" the boy appeared shocked but nodded. Devin's eyes began to leak "I can't believe your alive... but how?"~Devin. "I can show you" Allen Said making a recreation with shadows.

The car had flipped, luka was crawling out of the smashed window though his legs got trapped.suddenly the car exploded,forcing luka backwards and off the bridge. When luka opened his eyes he saw a blurry figure.

"Who's the tall figure?" Asked l.j. "who do you think?" Asked a demonic voice as a skeleton like creature appeared.

"Rem! Long time no see"~Ryan. "Hello. It is good to see you Ryan" "what are you doing here?"~Ryan. "When Luka was on the verge of dying so we made a deal,I would spare his life If he would kill. He of cause agreed" "so he's technically a demon?"~candy pop. "Yes. We were also on the verge of dying but he turned us into shadow demons and in return we must serve him" "isn't it hard when he doesn't talk?" Asked l.j. Ryan slapped jeff across the head "that wasn't me!!" "I know,I just don't like you" luka smiled. "Whoa. You made luka smile!"~Jackson. L.j smirked then slapped jeff. "Quit it you over sized monochrome cockblock!"

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