018 : he's still here

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018 : he's still here

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018 : he's still here


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"No! Tom, stop!" Scarlett giggled uncontrollably as Tom decided the best way to cure a hangover was to wake his best friend up with a tickle fest.

"Say I'm the best and I'll stop." Tom smirked, his hands darting to Scarlett's bare feet, where he knew was her most ticklish spot.

Tom missed having fun mornings like this with Scarlett; it still hadn't sunk in that she had moved away, even if it was a 30 minute drive away.

Scarlett did too, and maybe she shouldn't have been so hasty and moved away from the boy that's been in her life since birth, but it was too late to turn back now.

"Shut up! You're not the best." Scarlett's London accent comes into light whenever she said shut up-it always made Tom laugh.

They were both sourly interrupted by Scarlett's phone ringing, and she makes no hesitation and picks it up straight away, signalling Tom that their fun was over.

"Hey!...Oh shit, you're outside now?...Ok, ok, I'll be two minutes...Bye."

Scarlett begins to grab all her clothes from the night before, shoving it in her overnight bag she brought, frantically slipping her sliders on her feet and slinging the hoodie she was wearing over her head, concealing the most of her face.

Tom frowns, following Scarlett out of her old bedroom and into the living room, where she left more miscellaneous items.

"Going?" He sighed, and Scarlett nods rapidly.

"I'm so sorry, but Theo's outside in a cab. Brunch another day though, okay?" She smiles sadly, ruffling his already birds nest of hair, just as he did to her once upon a time.

"Wow, he's still here?" Tom raises his eyebrows, and Scarlett pulls a puzzled face.

"Yeah, why?"

"He's been here for a month now. Thought his visit was more of a flying one." Tom grumbled, kicking a charger over on its side that was laying on the ground. Scarlett picks it up and places it in the charger shelf that she made.

"Oh well," Scarlett shrugs, taking a deep look into the state of the house since she'd left a month hence.

"You need to clean, it looks like a bomb's hit." She points out, wiping a thick layer of dust from ontop of the television. Tom grimaces, nodding in agreement.

"Text me when you're home." Tom smiles lopsidedly, and Scarlett envelopes him in a bear hug, standing on her tip-toes to reach her friends' neck.

"I always do." She mumbles, detatching herself from Tom and walking right of the front door, not bothering to look back at Tom.



by erin lim

She may be number 1,2 and 3 in the charts with her singles for her 2nd studio album, almost is never enough, but popstar Scarlett Cabello certainly doesn't get her romantic advice from the movies.

It was reported that the day before the VMA'S, held in London's 02 Stadium for the first time ever, Scarlett shared quite the passionate kiss with British actor Theo James.

James, who is based in California, is still in and around London, over a month after he was first seen arriving at Gatwick Airport on July 10th.

James, who is based in California, is still in and around London, over a month after he was first seen arriving at Gatwick Airport on July 10th

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Theo James walking through London's Chelsea, where Scarlett reportedly bought her new home, yesterday

According to souces, Theo checked out of the Savoy, where he was staying, over a week ago, sparking rumours his relationship with Scarlett Cabello has been taken to the next level.

Although their kiss was witnessed and photographed, Theo reportedly paid the photographer off to get rid of the now non-existent photo to keep his relationship with the singer under wraps.

Scarlett chose not to take her new beau to the VMA'S last night, instead taking best friend and also rumoured ex boyfriend Tom Holland.

Despite the debut performance of Cabello's third single from her new album, which has yet to have a release date, Lost Into You featuring best friend Oliver Coren, Tom seemed not to be hazed by the lyrics that fans are convinced are about him.

It looks like the most
A-list love triangle is starting to form, Cabello's fans divided between her love for Tom and her new love Theo.

So, who's team are you on? Team Tomlett, or Team Scarleo?

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i am feeeeelin a double

update, are you¿

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