July 12,1997

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Song by: Rachel Platten

Uploaded by: DopeLyrics


"Rache, I love you." I could no longer sleep now, I wanted to hear those words from her. Before I noticed it Moilie was asleep in my arms. I wish I could say like this us talking and sleep like this forever. Did that sound creepy? Oh well, I love Moilie and now I was not going to get another wink of sleep. "I love you too Moilie..."

We continue

July 12, 1997

When I woke up Moilie was lightly snoring. I slowly and carefully climbed out of bed so I could go make breakfast. As I was at the door Moilie suddenly spoke up, "Rache? Where are you going?" I turned around to face Moilie, "I have to go fix breakfast up for the girls, I'll be back soon." Moilie pushed herself out of bed, I ran over to help her. "Do you want to help Moilie?" As she was standing up she almost fell. "Yeah, please?" Me and Moilie walked slowly to the door and out to the main room. "Hey Rachel, after breakfast-" Tazen came into the main room and stopped when she saw Moilie. "Moilie? Is that really you?" Tazen covered her mouth and ran over to hug Moilie. "Be careful Taz." Moilie told her as she hugged her tightly. Tazen looked around to so find me, "Does everyone else know yet?" Tazen let go of Moilie returning her to my arm. "No I'll tell them during breakfast." Moilie had a big smile on as we started to make breakfast. "I'll keep them in the bedroom, you finish making breakfast and I'll bring them out when we should come 'eat'." Tazen ran back to the bedroom closing the door.

" I'll go get the girls you sit her and wait till they all come out." Moilie nodded as she sat down on the couch. I walked into the bedroom and called into the bedroom, "Breakfast time girls!" I walked back to the living room quickly. As they walked in they all passed us but Tazen who stopped at the entrance of the mai room. " Hey witches, I'm back!" Moilie popped up and everyone turned around looking back at her in surprise. Everyone ran over and put into a tight hug. After they all stopped hugging her and started eating. We all talked and then got serious, "So tonight we'll be going over that wall, we could get separated girls." Rosen was the first one to to speak up about us going over the wall. Everyone got serious, "I believe in us, we'll be free. I've always wanted to be free." Jane spoke up and was all smiles. " I love this place but I still want to meet the rest of the witches out there. They say that outside of Earina(Ear-na-ya) there are more witches!" Jane was getting really happy. " If we get separated, it's okay we all have good memories to drive us to meet each other again. " I smiled with these girls, it could be the last time I see them. It could be the very last time I could love them like daughter, sisters, friends, family! I'll miss them if I lost them. "Rache when are we leaving?" Moilie looked up at me to ask, " We'll leave when the sun is going down, so I'm guessing three to four more hours?" Time had gone by fast with Moilie being back now, everyone was so happy. " Moilie put her head my shoulder, " I'm getting tired we should pack and nap." Moilie's suggestion gave everyone more hope than before. Everyone started packing shortly after. "Okay girl pack light!" I called out as me and Moilie went to our bedroom to help me pack. "Okay we need clothes, and hygiene things. Rache how much clothes should we pack?" I thought for a little bit. "Maybe four days worth of clothes, Aliea is only two days away, and it's kinda cold out so-" I cut myself off the keep packing. I walked out to hallway to tell the girls the same thing. When i came back Moilie packed all of her stuff and started put my stuff in my backpack, "So who's carrying food?" I sat back down to help pack the rest of my stuff. "Everyone is packing three meals wrth of light food and four things of water." Moilie nodded as we finished with this portation of our packing, I help Moilie into the kitchen with our bags. "Rachel we're done we only have two hours or so left till we have to go get over that wall!" I nodded at Rosen poked her head back into the bedroom closing the door quietly. "Okay so I got so food you like so just put them in this box and put the wash cloths in your bag next to the box." We quickly put everything we need in our bags. We set our bags next to the door where the other 12 girls bags have them. Me and moilie napped till we were suddenly awaken by Tazen shaking us, " Come on we have to go!" I shook my head and put Moilie on my back, Moilie held both of our bags on her. "Are we ready girls?" I asked them, the younger witches just stood there. "We can go it girls!" Annie spoke up cheering up everyone. Every nodded, " Remember if we get separated go to Aliea! When there say that you are from Earina and that you escape, you're a witch, and that you have a group coming hopefully that you got separated!" told them what to do and everyone was ready to go. "I love you girls, we'll be okay." we all walked out of the dorm quietly and ran toward the corner of the wall. We sat there for twenty minutes before Moilie pointed out that the soldiers where switching. Soon as there was none in our sight we ran other to the wall. They kept corner ladder so if we got raided we could get over the wall over to another kingdom. We ran over and started to climb, Rosen went up and took Moilie off of me and pulled her up onto the top of the wall. Next Jane, Tazen, Jupiter, Hakie, Annie, and Gaben went up soon as they were up then the next group went up. Levia, Pixie, Morr'e, and Katelyn went up the ladder I counted everyone who went up. I realised that we we're missing Faith, I turned around to see her behind me. "Go on up Faith, I'll go last to keep you girls safe." Faith shook her head, Faith is mute so when she shook her head i knew that she wanted me to go up. I sighed and started up the ladder. The other girls were going down the other side of the wall already. "Hey, get down! Get down or we'll shoot!" I heard the other girls rush to get down on the other side, in seconds it was me and Faith. I was on top of the wall while Faith was halfway up the ladder. "Come one Faith!" I yelled out to her, I can't let her die. She tried to be quick but a soldier shoot her in the shoulder. I yelled in fear as Faith was just crying in as she kept going up. Blood was on the ladder, the ground, and the wall. "Shoot!" They shot Faith in the back, her yell came over all of the yelling around us. I grabbed Faith's hand and pulled her up and ran to the other edge of the wall. The rest of the girls were wait for us, when they saw Faith they looked so scared. I got half way down when they told me to drop Faith, without thinking I did. They caught her and I went to the ground next. "Okay we need to get out of here!" I grabbed Moilie from Rosen and Tazen put Faith on her back and we all started running.

My lungs burned, we were running for our lives. Soldiers shooting at us, listening to some of the girls either getting hit or grazed by the bullets, yet we kept running. Moilie was in pain from all of the movement but we all kept going. The yells from the girls who got hurt made my stomach stink when Jupiter get hit in the back with an arrow, it was where her heart was. Rosen picked her up running with now three bags, and someone on her back. I had gotten hit with fire in the leg but I kept running. I was hurting so bad, but all of these girls were still going. I was going to do this for them, I could do it. Finally we we're far way from Earina we'd be in Aliea soon. We ran till we were saw a few big tree, we thought we could stay there for the night. "Okay is hit?" I asked as we sat down everything. I counted the hands and who they were. Jupiter, Faith, Jane, Annie, and Hakie. Five out of 14, we' be able to get everyone there if no one else got more injured. "Okay go head and eat, me and Moilie will patch y'all up." We worked quickly as they ate, soon as we're done everyone was heading to bed. Rosen was taking watch for a while then Tazen, after her would be Morr'e. When I woke up Morr'e had gotten everyone up to get ready to go. We all changed and ate very little. "Is everyone ready?" They all nodded, we had Rosen with Faith on her back, Tazen with Jupiter, Morr'e with Jane, Levie with Annie, Pixie with Hakie, and me with Moilie. Katelyn held four bags with her and everyone of backs held one or even two. We will make this work. Faith was dieing we had to get there soon. We walked, ran, jogged, and walked some more. Yet sadly we lost Faith while going to Aliea. Faith died while we were five minutes away from Aliea, we were so close. Rosen said that we would get her buried at Aliea. We walked to the gate. "Hello?!" Tazen yelled as someone peaked over the wall. "Oh hello, y'all! Oh my, y'all looked really beat up." She ran away to no one else coming to greet us. Suddenly the gate slowly opened. The same women with two male guards walked up to gate. "Look we don't let this many people at a time in usually but y'all are really beat up." They walked over to Rosen with Faith to check up on everyone. "Who's this kid?" Rosen looked annoyed as she answered. "This is Faith, well was," The female guard shook her head, " she died not too long ago, could we barrie her here?" The male guard took Rosen and Faith with him as they walked into the kingdom. After the two check on everyone they walked over to me and Moilie. "So who would this kid would be?" I giggled as Moilie answered, " I'm Moilie!" She smiled, "How old are you Moilie?" She looked at the women looked at her weird. " I'm 13?" the guard looked at Moilie weird in response. She looked at me, " What's your name?" I smiled, "Reachel."

When we got in we were all sent to the infirmary, we got told that Faith was buried and we could have time there when we were all fine to leave. Moilie was healed and was getting booked, everyone was getting booked. Rosen was getting very annoyed with a lady because she kept an extra 'e' in her name or kept putting 'Rose', after ten minutes she got the lady to spell it right. Moilie was giddy as ever when she finally got her Aliea Renistion Card. "Rachel look! I did it, we did it!" She hugged me, "Finally, you and all of these girls can be free! You girls can say that your witches." I hugged her back, I was so happy for Moilie and all of the girls. Suddenly we were interrupted by a group of people. "Eh, what are a bunch of kids?" Moilie looked over at the group of people, "Who are you?" The female who was most likely the leader spoke up, "Well you must know that I'm also a witch too." I didn't realise till now Moilie was kinda blushing. I felt something inside of me die a little, what if she liked this girl more than me. "Anyway, I'm Star Wasling. What's your name kid?" Moilie spoke up quickly, " I'm Moilie, and this is Rachel!" The girl smiled, she walked up to Moilie and held her face. "You're kinda cute, you look smart, okay I guess we could be friends." Moilie smiled, " or maybe more?" Moilie's face went fully red. I can't believe that Moilie was falling for someone else. Someone I had a crush on since we were a kid. I got close to Moilie and-

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