Valentino Imagine - "Leave her alone"

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Imagine Lorenzo bullying you and Valentino comes to defend you

You were on your way to class, late, as usual. You tried to get there as fast as you could so you started running because you couldn't allow being late one more time.

You were still running, and in the next second you felt yourself hitting the floor hard with your face.

"Ugh." You said as you tried to get up.

"How's the air down there?" You heard a familiar voice from above.

"Lorenzo... Not again..." You whispered.

You got up slowly pressing against your forehead with your hand trying to stop the pain.

"What the hell is your problem?!" You snapped at him.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about." He said still laughing.

"It's your fault that I tripped!"

"Honey, how are you gonna blame me for what just happened?"

"Oh, don't play dumb, Lorenzo." You said with disgust.

"What... did you just call me?" He said trying to annoy you.

"Leave her alone, Lorenzo." You hear a voice from behind.

"Woah, Valentino. How are ya'?" Said Lorenzo getting closer to Valentino and placing his arm around his neck.

"Spare me, Lorenzo." Valentino gets away from Lorenzo.

"Wait, don't tell me you're angry now." Says Lorenzo with a smirk.

"Can you stop being so childish at least for 5 minutes? Are you alright, (Y/N)? How's your head?" Valentino asks you before gently moving your hand away with his to take a better look at your possible bruise.

"It's alright, Valentino. I'm-" You hissed in pain after he touched your forehead. "Fine."

"You don't sound like it, let me take you to the nurse or... let me do something for you."

"It's okay, really. I-"

"Don't tell me, wait. Someone.... has a crush on our sweet little (Y/N)!" Lorenzo said.

"Let lost, Lorenzo. You had your fun." Says Valentino with a serious tone.

"Fine, fine! We'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Laughed Lorenzo and left with Lucas and Adrian.

"He's not worth it, don't bother yourself with him." Said Valentino watching Lorenzo leave.

"Yeah... Thank you, Valentino. If it weren't for you Lorenzo would probably still be here right now making fun of me..." You said with a sad tone.

"You're welcome." He smiles.

You smile back at him, and then you remember how late you are to your class.

Being lost in Valentino's green deep eyes, you thought to yourself that a few more minutes with him won't hurt.

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