Ciro Imagine- "Just shut up"

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You were one of the most dedicated I.A.D. students that the Institute had ever had. You were smart, responsible, strong, persuasive, and you had a lot more qualities which were known very well by everyone.

You were also in very good terms and really close with the guys of the soccer team. You've always loved sports, even though you weren't exactly the type to play them.

You've always supported them in any way you could. Everyone on the team.

But there were these specific players that were your all-time favorites. Ezequiel, Ciro and Alejandro. The deadly trio. The bad boys of the team.
In all that good girl act of your, there was still a part of you that you didn't manage to hide well enough. Well; at least not around them.

Those guys were able to bring the worst in anyone and everyone. In the good way. Well, you didn't mind at all though.  They were the only male friends of yours that you could trust and feel confident around.

But despite all of that, there were no romantic feelings involved.

At least, that's what you thought.

The day you found out all three of them were kicked out for good from the team and Institute, is the day you stopped seeing them, and along with that, the day you decided to lock yourself up from everyone else. Emotionally.

It was hard to believe that they grew up hating the school and it's students, basically everything about it. Including you.

They broke any kind of connection you had with them. And pretend like you didn't even exist.

One day you went to Hat Trick, planning to hang out with your friends for the rest of the day.

You got there really early, and decided to go and wait on one of the free tables.

You checked your phone for a few minutes, when something caught the corner of your eye. Someone.

When you took a closer look, it was Ciro who just walked in. Alone, without Alejandro or Ezequiel.

He sat down at the first table he found, and he didn't seem to notice you.

It was really hard for you to do the same. You tried, but you failed.

You were still on your phone, and you were also secretly taking one or two short and fast looks at him, who was also on his phone.

This was probably the only chance to catch up with him and maybe fix whatever broke between you two.

So without any more thinking, you got up from your seat and you walked slowly towards Ciro's table, thinking about what you're gonna say to him.

He wasn't paying attention to the people who were passing by him, so he didn't notice you either at first.

He raised his head from his phone and your eyes met finally. You both were stoned for a small moment, and then you decided to talk.

"Hey... Ciro, what's up?" You asked not looking at him.

"Nothing special." He said with a blank expression and then went back to his phone like you weren't even there.

"Um... Can I... You know- can I sit?" You asked awkwardly.

He looked at you without saying a word for about 10 seconds and then he finally spoke.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." He said sounding bored.

None of you said anything for the next few minutes. Ciro was still pretending he was alone, and you were still trying to find a way to get an actual sentence out of him.

"So.. are you waiting for anyone?" You asked him, not sure he'd answer.

"Ezequiel and Alejandro will be here soon." He said simply.

"Really? Ezequiel and Alejandro? How are they doing? I haven't really talked to them... like.. at all. Since they left." You said curiously.

"They're doing great. Just like me..." He said sarcastically.

Then silence fell again between you two. For Ciro it was easier, he was typing stuff on his phone, but you were just there, doing nothing except staring at him, which made you look a little weird.

"Oh my God. What aren't you talking to me?!" You snapped at him.

He sat still and silent until he started speaking.

"What do you wanna talk about?" He said. This time with no emotions written on his face.

"Um- well.. I don't know! Anything! Everything! Just stop ignoring me, for God's sake! You said angrily.

He looked at you without saying anything for another 10 long seconds, and when he opened his mouth to talk, he stopped.

You were kinda confused. You wanted to continue you speech, but you also wanted to hear what he wanted to say. So you continued to look at him in confusion.

"Oh. My. God. The face you made! Priceless!" He said suddenly bursting out laughing. "You know, you kinda cute when you're angry."

"Excuse me?"

"Again! How do you do it? All that serious act and the straight face?" He said still laughing.

"So I came here, you were acting like you don't even know me... and on the next second you start laughing at me?" You said rolling your eyes after.

"Awh. You're angry again. That's adorable."

"Adorable?" You repeated. "I could slap your face right now and wipe away that smile of yours in one second! One! Do you hear me?" You said, slowly approaching him.

"Really?" He said, pretending to be interested, and placing his head into his hands.

"Yeah, really! Wanna see? You wouldn't even dare taking back to me again."

"That's... really fascinating." He said slowly, while he got up from his seat and starting to get closer to you,  not breaking he eye contact you had.

"What?" You said when he stopped in front of you still looking into your eyes.

"Is it just me or you got prettier than you were the last time we say each other?" He said moving in closer.

"Please." You said putting your hand on his chest and stopping him from getting closer. "I'm too smart to be seduced by you." You said, this time you being the one getting closer, and almost whispering because your lips were only a few inches away.

You looked at his lips fast, and then turned your eyes on back on his, not knowing how much can you resist anymore.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked removing your hand from his chest.

"Don't you touch me! How dare you?!" You snapped suddenly. "So you have the courage and audacity to come here and just-

You were suddenly cut off by Ciro who angrily smashed his lips into yours, grabbing you by your shoulders to make sure this one will last.

You almost got lost into the kiss, when he broke it, and you slowly opened your eyes.

"Just shut up." He whispered.

"Make me. I don't know... Maybe another one of those could easily do the trick." You smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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