Camilo Imagine- "You're wrong"

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Imagine having a crush on Camilo and he teases you until you admit it

Ever since you met Camilo, you fell in love with him. You knew it was wrong and you also were aware of everything he did in the past to hurt you and your friends. You knew that loving him was wrong and the others wouldn't accept you two as a couple, but it was nothing you, or him, could do to change the was you felt.

You friends had warned you to stay away from him after he left I.A.D. but he managed to get under your skin and now you couldn't keep him off your mind. You decided to hide the feelings you had for him because you feared that if the word got out everyone would judge and turn against you, the same way they did with him.

However, as time passed, your feelings for him grew bigger and it became harder to pretend they didn't exist. As much as you wanted to restrain yourself from loving him, it was something you had no control of, and it really frustrated you.

At the beginning Camilo couldn't tell you had a crush on him but sings slowly started to show. You couldn't even find your words whenever you were talkng to him, blush you he complimented you and get nervous when he was around. He noticed all of those things and eventually he figured out that you had feelings for him. Ever since, he kept teasing you about it.

You did love him, but you always denied it and dogged the question whenever Camilo asked you about it.

But that certainly didn't stop him from teasing you, He wanted to make sure that tiy were indeed in love with him and in order to believe it he had to hear the words come out of your mouth.

You hadn't seen him for the past weeks since you've been avoiding him, and just as you started to think that he might have gave up on you, he suddenly popped out of nowhere. You were supposed to meet your friend Zoe at Hat Trick  and Camilo just happened to be there too. You dropped you head down and and went to sit at one of the free tables, hoping that he wouldn't notice you, although a part of you was wishing the complete opposite.

Camilo smirked as his gaze fell upon you, and he decided to come talk to you. He got up from his seat and walked over to your table, sitting down on the chiar in front of you.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

"Leave me alone, Camilo" You muttered.

"Why? Am I bothering you?"

You ignored him and simply rolled your eyes.

"Wanna join me? I'll buy you something to drink."

You really wanted to say yes, but you still declined his offer.

"I'm waiting for a friend, Camilo. I think you should go."

"No, you don't. You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. We both know how much you enjoy my company." He smirked.

"Stop being so cocky. Will you?"

"That's just a trush, my dear (Y/N). And I see you aren't denying in any way."

"You're just making false assumptions."

"What's he doing here?"

You turned around to see Zoe standing behind you, arms crossed.

"You should tell her the truth." Camilo siad.

Zoe looked at you waiting for an explination, confusion all over her face.

Your gaze flickered between Camilo and Zoe as you wondered what to say. You stood up and just left.

You headed home, and when you were about to walk inside the house, a voice called your name. You glanced to your side and came face to face with Camilo.

"Camilo! What the hell are you doing here?!" You yelled.

"Why did you run earlier?" He asked.

You remained silent and avoided the eye contact.

"I know you feel something for me. Just admit it." He said.

"I don't."

"Oh, really? Look me in the eye and say it again."

The silence fell once again between you two, and you shifted awkwardly as Kol was waiting for you to say something.

He walked over to you and you stepped back, almost hitting the door with your back. He stared into your eyes, him being just a few inched away from you. Your breath got caught in your throat, and you felt like your heart was about to jump from your chest.

"Do you really have no feelings for me?" He asked lowering his voice, turning it into a whisper.

You were trying to form an answer, a sentence, anything, but failed. Camilo's lips were dangerously close to yours, but you managed to resist him and pull away. You pushed him and nervously looked another way, and Camilo was standing in front of you confused. You then turned to face him and inhaled deeply before saying anything.

"I don't know ehy you want me to say this, but yes. I do. I have feelings for you. I am in love with you, okay? But it doesn;t ever matter. It's not like you care..."

"You're wrong. I do." He siad.

"What...?" You said trying to process what he just said.

"I said, I do. I do care. Because... I have feelings for you, too."

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