A few years later
(Alex is 18, Aaron is 19, John, Herc, Laf are 18, Angie is 19, Eliza is 18, Peggy is 16.)

Alex's POV

People on the streets were angry. I was with the Baguette team. "NO TAXES! NO TEA! NO TAXES! NO TEA! NO TAXES! NO TEA!" People were yelling. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, OUI?!" Laf yelled. " Um, they're mad at King George.. " Peggy said. All of us looked at her, waiting for an answer why. "You don't know?!" Peggy practically screamed. "Ugh, he wants to take our money from us. He's been taxing us. Then we made him stop, but he still taxes tea. any money we spend on tea goes to him! Why tea?! Tea is BLECK!" Peggy said. "Oh my gosh, tea is DELICIOUS!" John said. " I know right! " Herc said. "THIS IS EXACTLY WHY!" Peggy yelled at them. " Oh.... " Lafayette said. We all understood. KING GEORGE III SUCKS!!! "We must take revenge!" I yelled. " No, no! That'll end in war, we don't want that! " Eliza said. "It's time to to home, mon amis." Laf said. We all went home.

Peggy's POV

Oh my God, I can't believe they didn't know about this! I'm the youngest, but the smartest? Cool, I guess.. I agree with Eliza, this can't end in war. It just can't! So many people would die, we'd lose. It wouldn't do us any good. Just then the living room TV started that siren thing. "RAAAT! RAAAT! " Type noise. "AANT" Something like that. Me, Angie, and Eliza ran into the living room. It was a government alert! We all had to go to Britain for a meeting. Well fuck. Let's go see ol' King George.

John's POV

Get to Britain?! What the hell? I called Alex to pick me up, I didn't have a car. It took him forever to get here! When I got in, Alex had picked the whole Baguette Team up. Wow! Nobody has a car but Alex! Angie had shotgun. Hercules had a window seat. Lafayette was in the middle. Eliza had the other window seat. I sat on the floor by Peggy. We drove to the airport. When we were there Alex wouldn't stop groaning and complaining about King George making us come there at night. On the airplane it took 10 hours. "Hey Alex, it's not night anymore!" I joked, waking Alex up. We all went to the field where he wanted us. British Soldiers and American Soldiers with their guns were there too. Didn't know why. King George was giving a speech about staying loyal and paying taxes. Suddenly, a random person shot their gun. It didn't kill anyone.

Alex's POV

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Laf yelled. " WAS IT BRITISH OR AMERICAN?! " Hercules screamed. everyone panicked, even British soldiers. They fired into the crowd. Everyone screamed! Even I did! "WHAT THE FUCK!" John yelled. They only shot like 10 people. Then all the British people and soldiers ran away. Then I realized a member of the Baguette Team was hurt. "John!" Lafayette yelled. John was hurt!! We had to get all the way back to America. FUCK. We all carried him to the plane. It was 3 AM when we were back. We rushed him to the hospital. "What happened?" The nurse asked, while attaching tubes to him. "He was shot in that Massacre that just happened." Angie said. " Just happened? You mean the one that happened, like, yesterday? " The nurse asked. We nodded. "And he hasn't had any help? He might not make it.." The nurse quietly said. Then John woke up, and the nurse left us to talk with him. We all walked up to his bed. "What happened!?" John asked, panicking. " You were shot.. " Peggy said. "You might not make it.. John Laurens, do not throw away your shot." I said.

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