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After that Israr didn't remain the same; all the time he was concerned with the threat he had received, and moreover he couldn't tell anybody.

The heroes kept practicing together under Elizabeth's watch, however Israr remained lost and demotivated.

The heroes were in the training room practicing. Israr simply stood by the wall with his head down. Joshua, Sonia and Veer saw him that way, and started whispering to eachother.

"What's gotten into him??" asked Sonia.

"I don't know . . . ever since that accident thing, he's been really quite," said Joshua slowly.

"I wish I knew what was in his mind . . . seems to me like there's something in his mind that's troubling him . . . and that he's not ready just yet to tell us that," produced Veer looking at Israr standing alone.

"I wonder-" began Sonia, suddenly sirens started ringing all around.

"An alien launch!!" shouted Dharam, and everyone ran to the briefing room. Israr saw them, and ran behind them.

They all gathered behind Elizabeth who stood staring at the screen.

"Where now?" asked Veer.

"Kyoto . . . Japan," replied Elizabeth.

"Who'll be going?" enquired Dharam, bearing in mind, that she sent selective heroes' only.

"All of you are going," she replied seriously, "I'll be coming too."

At that everyone were surprised. However there was no time for that. They all got into the concorde and flew out to Japan. When they reached there, they all jumped down in parachutes. It was a beautiful place, a four floored Japanese temple with a garden all around that had pond in the middle.

"The flowers are soo beautiful here," exclaimed Sonia, and ran towards a bunch of purple flowers.

"What is this place?" asked Dharam overwhelmed with all the heritage, peace and greenery around.

"It's the TojiTemple build in the late 700's," replied Joshua casually.

"How do you know?" asked Dharam utterly surprised.

"I used to come here a lot with my mother . . . she's Japanese so you know . ." replied Joshua, suddenly getting lost in the thoughts of his past.

"Woah, that's the first time Dharam didn't know something, its usually Joshua asking the doubts and Dharam answering them," said Veer to Sonia, "I have an idea lets keep a score between Joshua and Dharam for answering questions. . . Joshua answered a question so he has one point."

"Yeah cool," replied Sonia, starting to store it in her mind.

"No time for sight seeing . . . HEADS UP!!" shouted Elizabeth.

The sky was turning purple, and thunder started bursting out.

"SMOKER!!" pronounced Sonia angrily.

The heroes ran there and were very surprised to see a group of sumo wrestlers had gone against them. The Smoker's had defeated them, and were now about to call down their purple skull meteor shower. The heroes moved forward, but said nothing or did nothing. Then all the heroes stared at Israr.