the creepy dog chapter 5

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Dog Lays next to my stomach. I freaked out my breathing turns heavy and fear what am I going to do is it going to kill my baby inside me. It gives me this look of evil it's going to kill me and my whole family. But is it going to kill me or the baby I'm not the baby or both of us? My husband gets home I kiss him on the cheek with happiness for him to be home. But I'm still scared and I give him a worried look on my face. He asks me what's wrong? Nothing's wrong I say lying to him. He says okay and that you were just worried by your face. He feels the baby's kicks for a little bit and then heads to take a nap. I sit down and watch TV and the dogs in my husband's room. I'm watching baby readynas to get me ready for a baby. Then I hear scream for my husband's room I run as fast as I can with a pregnant belly. Just sleeping the dog is not even in the room I scream. Where's the dog is going in my head that's the question that kept going in my head where's the dog where's the dog. Then my husband wakes up he asks me what's wrong why did you just scream is the baby all right are you all right? Yeah the baby's fine I say scared fear where the dog is. What am I going to do with the dogs going to kill me and my baby? I looked around for the dog for hours and hours hoping to find a dog. I'm so scared for my sake it's never going to be good I think. Is it all right if your in fear of losing a child or family member or your husband or whatever. What am I going to do now? As thoughts go through my head I don't know what to do I think of a plan but nothing comes to my head. What's wrong with me being worried? Is it all right if you have all these fears running through your head of what to do? My baby comes one month later I was so excited to have my little baby in my arms. But then the talk it's by my baby's bed growing I don't like it's about to eat it or Hunted. what am I going to do now my baby is in danger nothing can stop my fears. Everything's going insane in my head the baby the baby baby the baby that's all that came through my head. A fear runs through my blood and through my head. Nothing can be more scary than this I run and run and run and run in my head. A fear that you can never fight as a kid or as an adult nothing could change this moment of fear. I think and think and think and think but nothing comes to my head I'm like blacked out in my head of thoughts. It's time to say much have a grab my baby I say bye to my husband I tell him I'm leaving. He says why are you leaving me more than love. I say I love you both safer for me and the baby and you keep that dog away from us. I get my car put the baby in the car seat get back in the car and head off I don't know where I'm going but I know I'll be safer. Nothing could lead me to this moment of fear and nothing could stop me from Fear. It was scary enough my life what's your scary It Was Fear full of fear anxiety everything could go wrong but nothing could go right. I drive off into the night hear baby cry grab its bottle feeding it. Nothing was stopping me from keeping my family safe. I was crying is driving to leave my husband behind I loved him more than anything we've been married for a long time and it was a happy life. But my baby was more better for the life I wanted my baby to live this happy life that I did. I know it can never be perfect without her father but I would try to make sure she saw him but I knew it was never going to happen for a while. Everything was scary for me during my house and that dog that everything I remembered could be even more scarier. It's like when you feel that pain. Pain rushing through your heart and you can't do anything about it because it's your life and you can't help it. Do when you feel a death in your heart. Nothing could stop me from thinking of my husband loving him the night we met the nights we can see that baby the night we found out everything and every memory was coming to me. I cried and cried because I miss those memories I knew it couldn't make more with him but I can start a new life and find new Love and make memories and hopefully be safe. I hear the dogs growl next to my baby he was in the car the whole time the dog was in the car the whole time the dog was in the car the whole time I see my husband's head and the dog's mouth. I scream with tear my husband's gone. Nothing could stop me from loving my husband and my baby. The next day I bury him grab him a grave and say he died from natural causes of getting murdered. It was hard for me to lie about his death I was crying everyday to get him back but I knew I never could. It was enough to handle this dog having to keep it I kind of give it to go away but it never could I tried and tried and tried but I always failed. It was already enough having to handle life-and-death situations. The next day I find a house we live there was Tiny and I fell in love again. Always the dog killed on my husband's after having a kid with them one kid by another after 5 kids I gave up on falling in love and liberals liked by kids with different fathers. My kids move out I'm already 80 years old. The dog bites into my liver kills me one by one Tech in my heart last for me to suffer. As I see the light I remember my death I will never forget my lovely life living with 5 kids was the dream but I needed to my husband's to live I knew I wasn't going to live forever with that.but i lived a  happy enough life then died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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