creepy dog chapter 4

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I'm so scared for my life. Mom arrives early I hug with fear and fear and fear and everything just so terrible. She asked me what was wrong and I say the dog is wrong I'm going to die in this house I'm going to die. She Chuckles baby you're not going to die the dog will protect you. I say no it won't know it won't know it won't Mom it's the murderer it's going to kill me and you maybe. She Chuckles and Chuckles for an hour straight. I'm not joking mom I yell. She gets mad at me and says go to your room! You're grounded also she yells and yells it at me about 50 times! The dog comes in my room with blood all over its tongue and teeth grinding on the finger. I look at it with disgust and fear at the same time and I don't know why. The dog starts growling and growling at me like a fierst wild animal about to go for it kill. I'm scared for life and death again I feel that fear in my heart like your heart skips a beat and skips a beat over and over. I don't know how to explain my fear of this dog. But you know the feeling of when you're going to die that's what I had I was scared that I was going to be gone and not see my boyfriend not see anything anymore. Next week I moved out and moved my boyfriend's we got engaged he was now my fiance my mom kept the dog. Two weeks later she says the dogs gone missing there were 15 kills in her city where the dog was. They were moving closer to my town me and my boyfriend got married two to three weeks later. A dog shut up at our wedding the same dog that was going to kill us. Scared for my life. I still got married. We went home I became pregnant 2 years later. Everything was happy until the dog came back. I had a month left in my pregnancy my boyfriend surprise me with a dog. What he didn't know is the dog was the one trying to kill me. I looked at it with fear and surprised me and disgust. What was I going to do now I had to protect the baby that was the first thing on my mind.

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