1. On that cold night...

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It was a cold night in the busy city of Manhattan, New York. Although it was considerably late the streets still buzzed with people getting home from work, or those going to their work at the crack of dawn when the sun was still not shining.

Grayson's heart was beating out of control as realization hit him, he had just woken up and he realized he had lost her. She was gone and he had no idea about where they took her. This all happened as he slept soundly in his apartment and he didn't realize until now.

Of course his initial thought was not that she was taken, but that she went to the bathroom or had an emergency and had to go out. Then again the burning sensation on the tattoo mark at the back of his shoulder told him otherwise.

Not only that, but the fact that the side of his neck was burning and that his mind was blurry and foggy made him realize why he hadn't noticed her absence sooner. Gray had been drugged and this was surely planned. Something serious and out of place was happening and panic washed over him in waves as he picked up his phone.

The first person to cross his mind was the friend they both had in common named Shane, the boy with dark skin and green eyes. He needed help desperately to find her and he was probably the only person that would care enough in those moments.

Audrey was known to be daring and very dauntless but he knew she wouldn't leave in the middle of the night, much less drug him to leave. Her pulling pranks wasn't uncommon but the fact that his shoulder was burning told him that this wasn't a prank. Grayson knew she would never go this far.

The pale skinned male quickly clicked on Shane's contact, growing more impatient as each second ticked by and he didn't answer. After two times he gave up, mind spinning and heart still out of control. He knew Shane was definitely sleeping since it was currently 4:37am on a Saturday. How long was she out for? How long had she been gone?

At that moment he was remembering how she'd always called his arms her castle, how just hours before she had fallen asleep comfortably in his arms, her curly hair up in a messy bun as she always held it when she slept. Grayson felt like he was going crazy even though this was the absolute worst moment to let his vision be clouded by these thoughts, he couldn't manage to push them away.

The way her hair bounced whenever she walked in front of him or the heavy click of the boots she always wore, he was remembering each little detail that he could and it wasn't helping to find her. This hurt so much, pained his heart in a way he didn't even think was possible. Yet there he sat, imagining her smile and laughter in a moment in which he very well knew she might be in danger.

He slowly pushed himself off the bed and stumbled to the closet, feeling extremely heavy, most likely because of the drug that was injected into him. The only questions in his mind: 'What is happening to Audrey...? To my little yet tough Audrey?'

Grayson could feel the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes but refused to let them fall, grunting at the burning on the mark which Audrey and him shared; their little secret. The male pulled on a jacket and boots as fast as the fog in his brain allowed him to, stumbling back to his bed while attempting to find the phone.

Who could he even call? After all he didn't wish to worry her father. He was the only family she had left besides her brother. Audrey's father would be very pissed if he found out she had gotten taken while Grayson had been there. Her brother was out of the question and she didn't have many close friends besides Shane and Cassidy. But Cassidy was out on a buisness trip and wouldn't be back for another week.

He began typing the number to the police station but deleted it before it was even finished. They can't help just yet since she had not been missing for over an hour and he had no proof of the female being taken.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as his phone began ringing, stomach dropping at the sudden sound that filled the darkness but slightly calming down as he saw that it was Shane's number. The male immediately picking it up and putting it to his ear. "Why the hell are you calling me at 4 am while I'm taking a shit? This better-" Shane began saying on the other side of the phone but was cut off by Grayson's trembling voice.

"Shane you need to help me...she's gone" he had told his friend, his mind not being able to give a better explanation than that. "Grayson, I swear...if you're drunk I'm going to disown you from being my friend" Shane replied since it wasn't like his friend to babble nonsense unless he's drunk or scared out of his mind.

"I'm fucking serious Shane!" he yelled angrily, he wasn't thinking clear and he had no time to waste. "Look, Audrey is gone! Someone took her and I need to find her!" he continued to yell as he heard silence on the other side of the line.

Meanwhile where Shane was the dark skinned male felt his own green eyes go wide and he could have sworn his heart had stopped beating for a few seconds as he heard Grayson's words. He felt them echoing in his head before he snapped out of it and stood up, throwing on his boots and keeping the phone on his ear as he ran out into the night, cold air biting at his skin as he entered his car, turning on the engine.

"I will be there in three damn minutes and if this is some sort of sick joke I will beat the shit out of you" was what he said before hanging up on Grayson and speeding down the mostly empty streets.

To Shane, Audrey was like the little sister that he had lost when he was younger, to this same situation. His little sister had been kidnapped as revenge for something he had previously done and he never found her; he sure as hell was not ready to go through that again with Audrey.

Shane felt his own eyes tear up but he blinked them away, focusing on the road, he had to be strong for both of his friends. While lost in thoughts he reached the house in which both young adults lived and got out of the car, freezing in his tracks as he saw the drops of blood at the doorstep.

Shane opened the door and ran inside, frantically calling out Grayson's name before hearing a reply from the area of their room. He immediately ran towards the room and opened the door.

"Gray did you notice the drops of blood on the steps?" was the first question to leave his lips as he saw a pale and worried looking Grayson. At the question he saw the male's eyes widen immensely, thinking he could hear his friend's heart but soon noticed it was his own.

His friend didn't respond but instead ran to the white doorstep and fell to his knees while looking at the drops of blood that were there, fresh. Whoever took her, it wasn't long ago and he knew that, but Grayson wouldn't move. He was entranced in looking at the blood with fearful eyes.

"Get your shit toghether, it may not even be hers for all we know" Shane told Grayson and pulled him up to his feet but it was like he wasn't listening to him at all. This was so unlike him to look so weak and broken in such little time. He couldn't lose both of them, especially not at the same time.

"Grayson I swear! Snap out of it!" Shane yelled at him, shaking his shoulders as his friend finally seemed to be paying attention and pulled his hands away from his shoulder. Grayson shook his head and bit down onto his lip harshly, keeping himself focused for sure.

Grayson knew he had to get himself together so he did what Audrey had taught him, bitting onto his lip to focus on physical pain and keep his mind clear. That was the way that they dealt with danger and anxiety. Gray looked at Shane who was clearly worried and pissed about the situation, his behavior adding to it all but how was he supposed to act?

The most important person to him was taken away on that cold night...


Hello antisocial fam~ I'm here with a new and first story on this account~ I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I seriously hope this isn't 100% cliché, I'm new at writing but I do really enjoy to! I hope you decide to save this story into your reading list~

Comment and vote it would mean the world to me. I hope to update very soon! Love you all~

1569 words

This chapter is edited.

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