3. Close call...

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After the officers escorted both Shane and Grayson out of the station because of a certain someone yelling not so kind words at James, they soon found themselves back at the house. Shane had been pacing and rubbing his face every so often to keep himself awake and on the other hand Grayson had begun to sweat and shake, gripping onto his shoulder from the intense burning sensation.

"Shit not now" he mumbled softly to himself, closing his eyes tightly and focusing on breathing steadily. The burning would fade for a while but come back worse; he had no clue of what could possibly be happening to her. All he knew was that she had to be in some sort of pain.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shane asked, glancing at him and making his way toward him, placing a hand onto his shoulder only to take it back at the heat. "You're shoulder is burning way too much" he said but Grayson shook him off and went to the bathroom, locking himself in.

He took his shirt off and looked at himself in the mirror. His blue eyes looked tired and dark, not light as they usually were. Dark circles were under his eyes and his face looked more pale than usual, slightly curly hair sticking to his forehead from the cold sweat.

"This is not the damn time to be acting up" he told himself while turning to look at the mark, the two fish symbolizing Audrey and him staring back at him through the mirror. They looked intact, but he could feel the pain. It was one hundred percent real.

All of this was.

It didn't make sense. Why wouldn't Audrey appear when James looked her up? There was no doubt about her being real. She wasn't a ghost if she had been there for most of his life and most of Shane's life too. But it just didn't add up.

"I need to find her..." he mumbled to himself, passing a hand through his hair and letting out a loud sigh before pulling his shirt back on and walking out of the bathroom.

"Gray...someone left a package outside" Shane said at the sight of his friend with a worried expression on his face. At first Grayson was going to yell at him that he didn't care about a stupid package but then he noticed the smiley face drawn onto the side and he knew this was a part of whatever the hell was going on.

The tall and strong male's body tensed as he slowly got closer to the box that was between Shane's hands. It was too small to contain a body which was a relief but even so heaviness clung to his body and he covered his face with a jacket. The closer he was getting, the more his heart was beating out of control.

Shane had put the box down onto the glass table with slightly shaky hands. They could both clearly feel the pressure and they both knew something was terribly wrong.

Gray opened the box and what seemed like dust came out in basically every direction as pictures lay face down on the bottom. The curly haired male thanked himself mentally for covering his mouth and nose since all of that dust would have resulted in a sure asthma attack. On the other hand  Shane picked up the first picture while coughing softly and wipping his face from said dust. He turned the first picture over and he stopped in his tracks, Grayson's eyes widening at the content in the picture.

It was a picture of Grayson and Audrey being intimate and he remembered it was their first time, or at least his first time. He remembered the uneasy feeling that had overtaken him that very night. But he had decided to ignore his gut feeling and now here this picture was and probably more, and worst of all, Shane knew.

No one was supposed to know. And now this could very well be the end for Grayson and Audrey. The pictures seemed to have been taken from close, possibly from the area around the closet. He wasn't sure, he wasn't thinking, all he could do was remember.


It had been a cold winter night dedicated to watching anime and conspiracy theory videos, Audrey seated on Grayson's lap and snuggling into him for warmth and comfort. They had just finished another episode and she stayed unmoving, simply drawing patters onto his chest as he looked down at her delicate features.

He knew he was in love with her, and he knew it was very wrong. But how could he make those feelings go away? She had been in his life for as long as he wanted to remember and all happy memories had her in them. They did everything together. They trusted each other with everything. But this was something he could never muster up to tell her in fear that she would hate him.

What he didn't have a clue about was that she felt the exact same way. The two of them were special and that's exactly the reason why they could never be together. The two weren't siblings, weren't family, nothing that would be taboo. Well, not taboo to regular everyday people. Don't get me wrong, they were human, but simply different than the rest. The pair weren't one of a kind either; there were more people like them.

That night, she took a bold and daring step, facing him while on his lap before pulling him into a kiss, pouring every single feeling that was humanly possible into it. Her hands cupping his cheeks and slowly snaking around her waist. He had kissed back after a while of hesitation, deciding there was no holding these feelings back any longer. It was all a fast blur and he could only remember bits and pieces of that night after the kiss.

He could recall the feeling of her small hands running up the back of his neck to tangle themselves into his hair to tug on it, demanding more. He recalled picking her up, which caused her legs to wrap around his waist as they continued the heated kiss. Grayson slowly made his way to the bed, laying her on it and pulling back for air, panting softly as he kissed her neck and down her torso.

One thing had led to another that night but before they did it he had pulled back, a worried look across his handsome face. "Are you sure?" He asked, nervously looking around the room and then down to their bare bodies, pressed against each other. Audrey had calmly smiled at him, caressing his cheek before nodding. "There's no one here to see, of course I'm sure" she had mumbled before giving him a peck on his lips.

Back at the present the pictures were all of that same night, different moments and once they had gone through all the pictures in complete dead silence they looked at the box to see something written there, once again in Audrey's writing. 'Like my little present? I hope you didn't breathe that in, wouldn't want you to forget ;) Want some more pictures Gray? I have plenty of more'

Grayson's mind was spinning at the words, them echoing in his mind as he looked at the white dust, mouth and nose still covered before looking at Shane with panicked eyes just before Shane's body hit the floor with a solid thud.

Just as that happened, Grayson knew what those words meant.

This time it was a very close call.


Hello my lovely antisocial fam! I got 100 reads!!!🤳🙌🎉 I want to thank you guys because I never thought I'd get this far without giving up. Believe me I have started plenty of books and never posted them because I never got farther than the beggining. I love you all and thank you for your support, I seriously hope you decide to stay and read more, don't forget to comment, vote and add to your library ~

For this chapter's question~

What do you think happened in the end of chapter 2? What is your theory about Audrey's identity not being found?

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This chapter has been editing

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