4. Back in the past...

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So long ago the walls of this relatively small apartment had been painted the color pitch black. Grayson wasn't sure why he had made that decision back then, maybe because it was his favorite color? All he knew was that once Audrey moved in she was set on changing the colors.

The mood would have been set better with the black walls but instead pastel blue and pink walls watched as Shane fell onto the white tiles of the floor.

At first Grayson's blue eyes had widened in alarm, but he knew what it had meant. Shane would forget. He didn't know how much but he knew the green eyed male would have no memory of the pictures they had seen moments ago.

'Audrey, is it you doing this..?' He wondered for a few minutes and took it into consideration. If she was doing this herself then what would be her reason?

None of it made any sense to him no matter how he thought of it. He was hoping that this was a dream that he'd soon wake up from.

The tall male ran a hand through his wavy black hair, messing it up more than it previously was.

Soon enough Grayson picked up his friend off of the floor, strong body being a bit heavy. He moved towards the couch, placing the male down carefully.

"At least he's resting" he thought out loud to himself.

It had been about two hours since Shane had passed out from the dust-like substance that was released.

Grayson had time to take a shower to wash his tangled hair and to make some food for him and Shane. Well, for Shane since he didn't plan to eat any time soon.

He needed to know that Audrey was okay.

Shane didn't seem like he was gonna wake up any time soon so Gray had some time to think. He closed his eyes and slowly sat down next to the couch, leaning his head back. He didn't want to fall asleep, he just wanted to rest his eyes for a bit.


It was June 15, 2014 again.

Rain was falling down at a steady pace onto the sidewalks and streets of Canada. Grayson had been busy that day, working his shift at a haunted house which was considered the best of the area.

Even though it had been a rainy day, people still went for the thrill of scariest haunted house in all of Canada.

After Gray's shift had ended, he decided to go take a look at the Niagara Falls which was not that far away. He didn't care of the rain even though he didn't have an umbrella.

Once he reached his destination he realized it was quite empty, even for rain. A few groups of people and teens stood here and there, some silent and observant while the rest laughed at each other's jokes.

In another side stood a couple, hands intertwined as they stood close together to give each other warmth. Grayson's heart ached at the sight of the two.

For some reason it had reminded him of his childhood friend named Audrey Collins.

A cute girl with dark brown curly hair and brown eyes with tanned skin.  To most people a girl like that would have been considered plain, regular, common or even boring.

But for some reason, for Grayson it was never like that. She had always been different to him even if she looked the same than other girls.

Audrey had always called his attention. Here he saw the water of the falls and he was reminded of her. It reminded him of her free spirit and wild personality. Ever since they were little kids she had always been that wild.

Grayson smiled at the thought of Audrey, who he hadn't seen in three years after he had to move away for work. Like a ghost that was summoned Audrey stood there, under the rain. She was watching the falls from close up.

What they didn't know is that a inexpiable tattoo was completed as they were in the same place. A tattoo that had begun to form the day he moved away. Audrey's mom had sworn that she had gotten it out of being a rebel but it wasn't the case.

The day he moved away a white fish had formed on his left shoulder out of nowhere. A tattoo he couldn't explain. He didn't get drunk or drugged so it was impossible for him to have gotten it himself.

As for Audrey, a black fish had appeared on her left shoulder. She thought it was absolutely cool and that maybe she had gotten it on one of those crazy nights out with her friends. Audrey was big on people, everyone loved her because she was always herself. Or so they thought.

Just then Audrey turned and saw Grayson, but he looked so different, much more grown. It had only been 3 years but he was much taller than before, his hair had changed. She didn't recognize him and began to walk past him.

Once Grayson saw her he immedietly recognized her even with the rain that was now pouring lightly. Audrey. The girl he had just been thinking of while looking at the falls. "Audrey?" He asked with wide eyes, rain still falling onto both of them.

Audrey turned to face him, both of them feeling a slight pain in their shoulders but ignoring it. She jumped up and threw herself onto him, knocking them both over.

The air was momentarily knocked out of  Gray's lungs as he held onto her and laughed along with her. "It's been forever" he mumbled into her hair.

End of flashback

Shane finally woke up, his head pounding as he looked over at Grayson, who looked back at him. "What happened? Why are we here instead of looking for her?" He said

Gray simply shook his head. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked. And Shane said that it was when Grayson went to the bathroom. He hadn't forgotten much, but he forgot enough for Gray and Audrey to be in the safe zone.

Grayson's phone rang and he picked it up, seeing that it was the police department. "Hello?"

"Good evening, am I speaking to Grayson Chains? This is officer James speaking" the man on the other line spoke. He sounded somewhat worried.


"Well I did some more digging, someone deleted two of the records we had. In those two records was Audrey's and another girl named Cassidy Miller" he stated. At that statement Grayson's heart sank. It was the only other friend that Audrey had besides Shane.

But it was impossible. She went on a buisness trip. She had texted Audrey and Grayson the same thing. Then again, it all fell into place. Whoever had Audrey, might have Cassidy as well considering the red head had gone radio silent since the day she had texted them.

That day Grayson had been back in the past

Now he has to force himself to stay in the present.


Hello my fellow lovelies! I haven't posted in so long and I'm sorry. Things have been hectic plus had writer block but I'm back! ❤ hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was basically a boring flashback.

Comment and vote! Thanks for all the support.

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