4. Michael

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I hated mornings. Why? Because I hated my family. My mom remarried. Yeah. How about that? They allowed her to remarry after my father died. And my stepfather.

God I hate him. He's not Candor at all. He lies so much. And he beats me and his daughter, my stepsister. She was being tested today as well.

I got up and looked in the mirror. I was still slightly bruised. My purple hair a mess. I sighed. " Katie." I yawned, " We have tests."

She groaned. " Uhg."

I smiled, and helped her up. " C'mon. The fasted we get through this, the quicker we can get out of here."

She looked nothing like me. She was beautiful. Pale skin. Long black hair. Dimples. I walked to our single bathroom. " Michael?" my mom called.

I turned. " Yeah mom?"

She sighed, " He's asleep. Get ready quick."

I nodded. As quickly as possible, I pulled on a white shirt, black pants, and a white jacket. I slid my black sneakers on and sighed. " Katie. Let go."

I grabbed my few books, and ran out of my house. Of course I wasn't paying attention. So I ran into someone. I had no clue why I was pissed. But I was. I was weirdly angry.

" Watch it!"

I stopped everything. He apologized. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

I shrugged and glared at him, " I don't have time for wimpy curly haired Amitys!"

He started crying, and I kinda felt bad, I'm sorry! Is an apology not enough! I'm stressed today as well! And I don't have time to be scolded by a purple haired Candor!"

I tried to stand him up. Which was easy since I was taller. " Watch it Curly."

" My name is Ashton! NOT CURLY!" He yelled.

A Dauntless pulled him back. I didn't hear what they were saying. But Ashton glared at me and walked off.

I grumbled, " Amitys."

I walked to school, still angry.


" Calum Hood and Michael Clifford."

I walked beside an Erudite boy and into the testing room. A Dauntless guy stood there. Oddly tattooless. Brown hair and stubble. " I'm Rian. Michael?"

I nodded, " Yeah."

" Okay. Sit down."

I sat in the chair and looked at him. " What?" He questioned.

" You seen awfully polite for a Dauntless."

" I was a transfer." He laughed lightly, " You can guess where from."

" So. Why did you leave?"

" Candor's really so speak their minds." He sighed, " Here. Drink this when your ready."

I took a deep breath. And I drank.

A second later. I was in a room. Long and mirrored. Two table like things were in front of me. " Choose."

Why? I just looked plain out confused. The knife and cheese were gone. A dog taking their place. " It's not real." I whispered, " It can't hurt me."

I saw myself. Small. Young. Blonde instead of odd hair colors. " It's not real." I gritted my teeth.

The dog was stalking towards the smaller younger me. " HEY!" I yelled.

The dog turned towards me. And started running. " It's not real." I whispered, " None of this is real."

And it was over. Rian was staring at me like I was an alien, " Dude."

" What?"

" You got 4 results."

" What results."

" Dauntless. Abnegation. Erudite. And your own faction just because. How the hell does that happen?"

" I just did what felt right."

He sighed, " This is bad. Really bad."

Now I'm worried, " Why?" I asked, " Rian why is that bad?!"

" Your inconclusive. Your not categorized."

" Like the Divergent-"

He put his hand over my mouth, " Do you have a death wish?! Keep your mouth shut! And wait outside on the bench."

So I listened. I sat on the metal bench until he came out. " Listen Michael. Your on a death list now. I know people that could help you in every faction. But only we could help you in Dauntless. So you have to be careful tomorrow."

" Why? Are they going to kill me?" I was worried.

" Not unless they find out. So go home. Relax. And just stay safe."

" Thank you Rian."

He smiled, " You remind me of someone. Let's just leave it at that."


" KATHERINE!" Was all it heard when I walked inside.

I ran to my room. The door was locked. " Katie." I said, " Katie let me in."

She opened the door, tugging me in and pulling me inside. She was crying. Lip quivering, face tear stained and she had a bright red mark on her face. I put my arms around her. And she instantly started sobbing, " I'm scared Mikey."

" I know Katie. I know. One more day."

" I wanna leave! He's not my dad! I wish he wasn't!"

" Shh. Your okay. Just calm down."

He sat down and cried. I'm going to kill him. I stormed out of my room. " WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yelled, seeing my stepfather Jacob.

He rolled his eyes, " Katherine wouldn't tell her result. I punished her. It's nothing I never do."


He laughed with no humor, " Your a boy Michael. Go to your room."


" She's not your sister either your little disgrace. Your not honest enough to be Candor. You lie about her being your sister."


To stunned to speak, he just walked out of the room. I walked back to my bedroom, Katie still crying. " Hey. One more day and we're out of here." I said.

" I wanna leave!" She cried, " I wanna leave now!"

" Katie. It's gonna be okay."

I hope it will be. Rian's words replayed in my head, ' You remind me of someone.' And, ' We could help you in Dauntless.'

Who's we? How many people are there that could help me? Who could I remind him of? I'm just a stupid kid from Candor. A kid from Candor who is probably going to die.

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