3. Calum

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Hey guys. This story is just gonna be as if the world of famous people just went to the Divergent world. I will be adding my other band, All Time Low, because I can't think of anyone else who would be a good trainer for them. Enjoy :)

My alarm went off at the exactly time like every morning. I was a very punctual person. I woke up same time every morning.

" Mom!" I yelled.

" Yeah Calum?"

" Where's my jacket?!"

" I washed it."

We had quite a small home. We lived in buildings. Apartments kinda. I hummed a song to myself and walked around the house, looking for my jacket. I finally found it, and ran back to my room. I put on my regular outfit, blue jeans, a white shirt, and my dad's old blue jacket. I never did meet my dad. He went missing a few years after I was born.

I didn't like everything being the same color. But I lived with it. I guess being smart get's boring sometimes. I want to be brave and feel like I'm on top of the world. That's why I'm hoping for Dauntless as a result. My mom and sister, Mali Koa, or just Mali, were waiting for me. My mom hugged me, " Are you ready sweetie?"

I nodded, " Yeah mom. I'm ready."

Mali hugged me next. She was crying, " My baby brother. All grown up."

" Mali." I grumbled, " I'm 16!"

She wiped her eyes, " I know Calum. You should get going."

I hugged them both, and went to school.


I was nearly there, when I heard arguing. An Amity boy, and a Candor boy were screaming at each other. No surprise. Their factions don't like each others much.

I just kept going. I was singing quietly to myself. In my faction, my mom yelled at me when I sang. We were supposed to be smart and practical. We didn't have time for silly childish things.

I didn't want to be smart. I wanted to be brave and happy and allowed to do what I want. I made my way to school, and was still tapping my feet.


" Calum Hood and Michael Clifford." They called.

I walked through the door and sat. " Isn't the Erudite confident."

I saw a Dauntless guy. He was tall and had tattoos everywhere on his arms. Brown hair. " I'm Zack. (*cough* Merrick.)

" Calum." I said.

" I know. Let's get this over with."

Well they don't like us very much. I nodded, " Alright."

He smirked, " Nervous?"

" No. Just. Kinda..."

" Intimidated?" He questioned.

" I guess so."

" Calm down kid. By the looks of you. Your gonna get your faction. You look like a born Erudite."

" Yeah. I get that a lot."

" Here. Drink that."

I took the glass. So this is what the stimulation serum looks like. It's simply blue liquid. " Drink kid." Zack sounded annoyed.

So I did. I downed the whole thing. And all I heard was a shatter before I was under the stimulation.

I was in the same room many other Initiates are in at the moment. " Choose." Was all the voice said.

A knife and a block of cheese. What on earth could I do with these? So I stood still. " Choose!" The voice was more forceful.

I didn't move. A heard a growl. Low, and scary. But I didn't move and inch. I'm smarter then this. They should know that. I saw the dog. Drool dripping from its teeth and ugly mouth. Eyes full of hate and it was just plain terrifying.

But I refused to move. The dog stalked towards me, but I didn't move. Why was I doing this? Is this how the test should be going? The dog jumped at me, but I didn't even flinch.

" Puppy?"

I saw a small dark haired, brown eyes boy that looked exactly how I did when I was 10 years old. Don't move Calum. Don't move Calum. Don't move an inch. The dog will move on. " Don't move kid." I whispered, " Please don't move."

Younger me was walking around because even I never listened as a child. If I move on, then I will be given another stage of the test. I need to move on.

The dog went after the younger me. But I didn't move. The dog finally caught up, and it was over.


I sat up, gasping. " What was my result?!"

Zack was typing and he looked really confused, " How the hell did you do that?"

" Do what?"

" You completely ignored the tests! You didn't do anything! How did you do that?!"

" I thought. If I stood still, I would get to the second part of the test."

" Kid! Your dead if anyone finds out! You have to leave your faction!"

" But my mom..."

" Your mom would help them kill you! Your mom wouldn't let you go with this result!"

" What was my result?" How was I so calm?

Zack sighed, " Divergent. Your Divergent."

I nodded. " What now?"

" Pick a safe faction. One that won't question you."

I nodded, " Thank you Zack."

" Get out of here Calum."

So I did.


I was in the bathroom. And I heard sniffling. I looked out and saw an Amity boy. He wiped his eyes " Are you alright?" I asked.

He has wavy hair that was messed and his hazel eyes were red and still kinda teary. " Yeah. I just. Didn't get the result I wanted."

I smiled, " Hey. Not everything goes the way you want it."

He smiled back, " I guess. I'm Ashton."

" Calum." I said to him.

" Well. It's nice to meet you."

He walked out and I sighed. " Wow. Not a good day for people."

All I wanted to be was a brave person. Look where it got me. I'm basically on a death list.

I began walking home and I was crying. I passed the Abnegation homes and thought to myself. Maybe this was a safe faction...

No. If I want to be brave. God dammit I'll be brave.

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