2. Ashton

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I woke up early like I always did. In Amity, everything was so peaceful. I loved it. I sighed, today I had my tests. I was 16, like the rest of the initiates " Harry." I whispered, shaking my little brother, " Hey buddy you gotta get up."

He mumbled, " Ashton. I'm 10. I don't have testing today."

I smiled, " Come on Harry. I might be leaving forever tomorrow. You should spend some time with me."

He pouted, " Your not leaving us."

I messed his hair a bit, " Shut it. Come on."

He got up, and we walked into the other room. Our houses were kinda small. My mom had already had our breakfast. That was the good thing. The earlier I get up, the more time I have to get ready. I kissed her cheek, " Thanks for getting it for me."

" Eat." She smiled.

I ate little bits and pieces. Was I nervous? Yes. I mean. I love it here. Everyone was so friendly and no one fought and just, we all loved each other. To be honest I know it's because of the bread we eat.

My little sister Lauren came down. In 3 years, she'll be doing what I do. And god did I want to get this over with.


I was fixing my hair in the bathroom. I had my yellow t-shirt, and my dark red pants, and I was ready. My wavy hair was in my face like it usually was. I know I was going to get Amity. People tell me I'm friendly, and sweet and I hate getting into fights.

My mom called me down. She was crying at the sight of me. " Oh Ashton."

I hugged her, " Don't worry mom. I'm probably not leaving."

She kissed my forehead, " Come on sweetheart.

I took the train into the city, and started walking. I bumped someone. " Watch it!"

He dropped everything he was holding. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

He had purple and black hair. White shirt. Black pants and jacket. He glared at me and shrugged, " I don't have time for wimpy curly haired Amitys!"

One awful thing about being Amity, I cry easy. I wiped my eyes, " I'm sorry! Is an apology not enough! I'm stressed today as well! And I don't have time to be scolded by a purple haired Candor!"

He was taller then me which was bad. " Watch it Curly."

" My name is Ashton! NOT CURLY!"

A Dauntless boy pulled me back, " Careful. I thought you guys didn't fight."

" Maybe I don't belong in Amity then."

I shoved him off me, gave the Candor a dirty look, and stared walking again. I was crying. Never once has anyone yelled at me. I furiously wiped my eyes and kept walking.


" Lucas Hemmings and Ashton Irwin."

I walked along side an Abnegation boy. He was blonde and blue eyed. I made my way into the testing room. I guess it's always Dauntless people in these. He was in his 20s. Lip rings. Black messed hair. All black clothing. I shrugged, and sat down. " Are the kid who was trying to pick a fight with a Candor today?"

I nodded. " Good job kid."

I smiled weakly. " Thanks."

" Ashton?"

I nodded. " Okay. I'm Jamie."

" Here." He handed me the glass. " Drink."

I drank it quickly, and closed my eyes.

I was in a room. Two items in front of me. A knife and a block of cheese. " Choose."

I gulped, and out of fear, I took the knife. A low growl cut through the room. " Oh my god." I whispered.

It's not real. It's not real Ashton. But the dog wasn't focused on me. Well, it kinda was. But a much younger, straight haired, shorter me. Younger me started running. And the dog chased him. " Shit shit shit." I mumbled.

So. I took the knife, and cut a gash in my hand. I bit my lip because of the pain, my blood dripping on the floor. The dog turned, and ran at me. I just squeezed my eyes shut and waited.

But I never came. When my eyes opened, I was in the room. I started crying. That was awful. And I wasn't even scared of dogs. " Hey. Hey. Kid. Listen. Calm down." Jamie said.

I opened my eyes, " W-what was m-my result?" I stuttered.

" Abnegation. And Dauntless. And Amity."

" 3 results?" I whispered.

Jamie nodded, " Kid. This doesn't happen often. Go home. Think about what your choosing tomorrow. "

I nodded, wiping my eyes, " What did they call this?"

" Divergent."

" I'm Divergent?"

He nodded, " Listen. If anyone, especially the Erudite, find out. Your already dead."

I started crying harder. " Ashton! Listen to me! Your going to be okay!"

An Erudite woman came in, " What's going on?"

Jamie lied, " He didn't get his faction now he's upset. "

She kneeled in front of me, " It's okay. I didn't get my faction look at me now. Everything will be fine."

I nodded, " Okay."

Jamie shrugged, " Go Ashton. I have other people to get to."

I walked to the nearest bathroom, and wiped my eyes. " Are you alright?"

It was an Erudite boy. He had brown eyes, black hair, and he was kinda tan. " Yeah. I just. Didn't get the result I wanted."

He smiled, " Hey. Not everything goes the way you want it."

I smiled back, " I guess. I'm Ashton."

" Calum." The boy told me.

" Well. It's nice to meet you."

I walked out, and on to the streets. Someone bumped into me. " Hey!"

I saw the Lucas boy. " Oh hi."

I smiled, " Hi."

He blushed, " Um. Ashton?"

I nodded, " Yeah. Lucas?"

" Yeah."

" Oh cool. What was your result?"

" Um. Abnegation. Yours?"

" Amity."

" Cool."

I smiled, " Well. Maybe I'll see you around."

" Bye."

" Bye."

I walked home. " Hi sweetie. How was it?"

" Fine." I mumbled.

" Why so grumpy?"

" Just. People were being rude."

She nodded, " Well. Just go relax for now."

I walked to my room. After sitting down, and calming myself, and mumbled, " What the hell am I going to do?"

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