Chapter 1

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Hauptmann (Captain) Yaneka Xylander straightened down her dark green uniform and readjusted her collar. Having been given a tour of the facility, her new responsibility, the officer was keen to begin work.

This particular facility, located in one of Germany's strongholds in France, was home to the reformation and rehabilitation program. It was a vital tool in the war. Here, they kept suspected Revolt members, and anyone believed to be associated with the enemy.

But it wasn't just a prison. Yes they held suspects, interrogated them for information, but the overall aim of the facility was to reform. They would break the prisoners, make them renounce their allegiance with the other side, train them, and mould them into submissive, obedient servants. And then they would be sent to serve prestigious, deserving German dignitaries, in order to repay the state for their crimes.

It was a growing program, after all, they were winning the war. Imagine how many prisoners there would be once Germany was victorious?

And so, there was much for Hptmn. Xylander to do. She needed to read through all the files of the current prisoners, decide which girls needed further interrogation, which required further discipline, which were ready for reform, and so on.

Yaneka was glancing through them now. Most of the girls were eighteen, nineteen or in their early twenties. Most of them French, which made sense.

She would need to see many of them herself, in order to make an informed decision.

As Hptmn Xylander scanned through, one file caught her eye. A young blonde girl, British. That was rare itself. And her number, significantly lower than that of all the other prisoners.

143. Yaneka remembered seeing her locked in her cell. The whole corridor had been full of them, with girls crying, and screaming, and begging to be released. But at the end of the line, hidden away, forgotten almost, this girl was sat silently on the makeshift bed.

The Hauptmann had found it curious at the time, she was intrigued, how did the rest have numbers in the four and five hundreds, whilst this girl was only 143? Why was she so quiet? She must have been here considerably longer.

The file was mostly empty, as though someone had forgotten to fill in the information.

Yaneka stood from her desk, running a hand over her light brown hair which was currently fastened back into a bun. She opened the door to her office, scanning her eyes across the corridor, searching for the Leutnant who had given her the tour earlier.


The officer had promised to stay nearby in case the Hauptmann had any queries.

"Yes, Hauptmann Xylander?" Sure enough, the dark-haired woman appeared, and entered the domain as Yaneka gestured for her to follow.

"What can you tell me about this girl?" Hptmn Xylander held up 143's file, handing it to the subordinate officer.

Leutnant Roth had been working at the facility for a long period of time, she was very familiar with its workings and the various memorable prisoners who had come through.

"She's a suspected Revolt member, she was captured with a large number of them back when we uncovered the main group in Amiens. Although, she's never confessed."

"How long has she been here for?" Yaneka took a seat, picking up a pencil, but remaining focused on the woman in front of her.

"13 months, Hauptmann." The young officer could see that her superior was intrigued, so she volunteered more information.

"She was sent to the Leader, as a suspected Revolt member."

Hptmn Xylander looked visibly shocked at this statement, but Leutnant Roth had not finished.

"She was quite fiery before she went.. But she did come back, which is more than can be said for most... She's been categorised broken. The occasional quip, but obedient."

"How long was she there?"

"Three weeks, Hauptmann." The subordinate officer handed the file back to her superior.

Yaneka looked pensive. She was evidently surprised that the young prisoner had been sent to the Leader, and had come back, especially after being there for so long. No wonder she was classified broken.

"If I may, Hauptmann, we scrapped her original file when she was sent away. We did not anticipate that she would return."

"I see."

Roth waited until Hptmn. Xylander had placed the file back on her desk before she spoke again.

"Should we bring her to you for questioning, Hauptmann?"

"Yes, definitely. Tomorrow morning."

Yaneka made a brief note of what the Leutnant had told her.

"Is there anything else from her original file you can tell me?" The brunette turned back round to face the other woman.

"Yes, Hauptmann. There are several things which you may find interesting."

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