Chapter 6

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143 sat with her back against the cold wall of her cell. Something was definitely going on today, something different. All morning the guards had been hurrying around, talking to each other in hushed whispers. And then, not long ago, she'd been taken away from cleaning with the low levels and put back in her cell.

143 wondered if they were going to shoot her. Maybe Germany was losing the war, and they wanted to kill them whilst they had the chance. She wouldn't put it past them.

The door at the end of the corridor opened and slammed shut loudly. There was the sound of a metal frame squeaking and then locks clicking shut. 143 gathered that they had brought someone else back to the cells.

The footsteps then made their way along the corridor towards where she was held. 143 sat up straight. What if it was the commander come to see her again? The footsteps continued, drawing closer. The blonde got to her feet, and stood close to the bars.

What if this was all the brunette's doing? And she wanted to talk to her again?

A figure came into view. It wasn't her. 143 stepped back.

The guard, one of the usuals, unlocked the door and came towards her with a pair of cuffs. 143 turned around and presented her wrists diligently. There was no point in fighting. Anyway, she wanted to know what was going on.

The guard pushed her along with a firm grip on her cuffed wrists. They left the cell and then the block. 143 noticed a lot of other girls were being moved around, some heading back towards the cells and some in the same direction as her.

They went through two double doors into a smallish room with a plain floor and faded pastel blue walls.

The room was crowded with other girls and several guards around the perimeter. The woman holding onto 143 uncuffed her and pushed her into the gathering. The blonde looked around. She knew some of these girls from the exercise sessions, maybe it was something to do with that.

143 turned to a girl she recognised and asked what was ging on. The french girl seemed hesitant to reply, she was looking around nervously and whispered back an uncertain:

"Je ne sais pas."

A tall guard at the front shouted something in German. Everyone went silent as she started and continued talking, it seemed like she was explaining something. They did this a lot, speaking in German with them so they would learn.

143 struggled to understand, she could make out that it was some kind of competition- like a race. With a glance around, 143 figured that her peers were just as lost.

When the tall guard finished in German, she paused a moment and then started in French, just as she'd hoped.

"Today you will all take part in an assault course race. This is a privilege for you all and an opportunity to be rewarded. Any disobedience and you will be taken back to your cell and given punishment. The race will firstly be in groups of six, and the winner from each group will go into the final. The first, second and third place in the final will each get extra food privileges. Anyone who comes last in a race will lose food privileges."

A girl near the front shouted something up at the guard. She barely even had to gesture to the other guards lining the room before one had grabbed the girl and was dragging her off.

The whole group stared in silence. 143 thought the girl must be stupid, she would definitely drop a few levels now.

"This will not be easy, but it will be a good opportunity for you to show your dedication in reforming yourselves. Good luck." The tall guard finished with a wicked smile on her face. 143 wondered if this was all some kind of trap.

But then again, how could they fall into a trap when they were already prisoners.

A door at the other side of the room opened, and the six girls closest to it were quickly ushered through by a couple of guards. From her obstructed view, 143 could see parts of what looked like a huge hall. Presumably where the assault course was.

There was a lot of noise coming from inside; voices, shouting, laughing. 143 wondered if the brunette woman would be there.

The doors shut, leaving the girls inside the smaller room with a handful of guards to keep an eye on them. It wasn't long before the doors swung open again and another group was pulled in. And another, and another, and by the time 143 found herself stood near the door, there was only about a dozen girls left.

The rich oak doors opened again, and a guard from behind it grabbed the blonde girl roughly by the arm. She didn't complain, 143 let herself be dragged into the large hall and eagerly took in the sight before her.

Prisoner 143's Lover (girlxgirl, lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now