Chapter 18 (unedited)

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Voldemort's POV

I furiously paced my office, knowing that both my prisoners have escaped. I vowed that I would kill them, right after I use them to win. How dare they deny the opportunity to become a death eater? One of the followers of the greatest wizard of all time?

The room seemed to get darker and colder the more I rage, and it sent goosebumps riding up my back. The shadows were dark and creepy, giving off an evil sensation. Even more evil than I've ever felt. This aura was ancient and powerful, almost as powerful as Percy's.

"Tom Riddle," A voice hissed, infuriating me by the use of my fathers name. A large figure stepped out of the shadows, and it seemed to be made of the darkness itself. Its glowing golden eyes pierced through my soul, looking straight at my heart.

He gripped a Scythe tightly, his hand firm and steady, like he's done this millions of times. "I believe you and I both acknowledge the prophecy, am I correct?" The figure asked, knowing quite well that he was indeed accurate.


"Indeed." The figure agreed. "And I have figured out the last two lines." I replied. "What is it, then?" He scowled. "I was killed by my archenemy, Harry Potter. One of my loyal followers freed me from my punishment in the Field of Punishments. I have two grandchildren, Selena Anderson and Perseus Jackson," I explained, smirking.

His lips pursed at me, and he narrowed his eyes. "I believe that that is not correct." He answered. I glared at him, angrily. He should know who is rightfully the leader and most powerful person here.

"I'd like to have you know that I'm Lord Voldemort, the greatest wizard of all time." I threatened. "I'd like to have you know that I'm Kronos, the king of the Titans and the Lord of Time." He mocked, mimicking my tone. My mouth hung open as I stared at the king of the Titans, Lord of time.

"I- I-" I stuttered. I was paralyzed, struggling to find a word to say. He smirked at me, his mischievous grin testing my temper. The blood in my veins boiled, but I was conscious enough to know that I would be blasted to smithereens if I offended Kronos.

"And how do you know that my reasoning isn't accurate?" I asked, suspiciously. "Its quite simple, isn't it. I'm the freed one. I was freed from Tartarus, and brought back together with the help of my army." Kronos explained.

I stared at him, perplexed at everything he was saying. What could the prophecy possibly mean? He stared straight into my eyes, and his golden eyes made me want to look away, but I was frozen in my position. "I know what we have to do. If you weren't aware of this, I have the power to take the form of a mortal being, and you are perfect for being my host." He said. 

"If we decided to combine our forces, we'd be unstoppable. We'd surely win this war, and I will rule in a new era, The Golden age!!" He exclaimed.

"Are you willing to do this, to win, once and for all?" Kronos asked, his face certain that I will say yes. It angered me that he knew exactly what I was going to say, exactly what I thought. "Yes." I replied. "Good," He answers, and suddenly, a female figure that appeared out of nowhere was held in his hands, her body limp and unconscious. I'd recognize that face anywhere.

"You got Selena?" I scowled. "Why is she here?" I asked. "If we combine forces, we will be one being, one person. It is not just enough to join forces. We need the grandchild of the one that is freed. Isn't it obvious? We only share one common grandchild. Perseus Jackson. And his fatal flaw is loyalty. He'll come back, I know he will." Kronos explained. 

"But he'll never join us." I replied. Kronos smiled, and it surprised me that he has this all figured out. "We don't need him on our team. As long as he isn't able to help the opponent."

A faint golden light shimmered beside Kronos, and I caught the face of a young girl, her face shocked. Kronos found what I was looking at and smiled, as if it were nothing. "Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure she doesn't interrupt again," He promises. He swung his scythe at the golden light, and it shimmered like golden dust, as it vanished from the room.

I hope you guys like this chapter!! Dam, who knew Kronos had a brain? 😂😂😂 I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like, forever!! But I have a life, and it includes homework 😢 Please consider voting for this chapter, and as you can tell, I changed the prophecy a little bit. Bye, demigods or mortals!! (Or gods)

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