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Note - (s/n) = Son's name (d/n) = Daughter's name (e/c) = Eye color

Laying on the couch I look down to my little 5 year old, (s/n). He looked almost identical to his father, Dazai. (S/n) had his chocolaty brown hair and almost the same nose and lips. The only thing he really got from me was his (e/c).

I sat and watched him play with his toys, until I heard the baby cry. I sigh and stand up to walk into the nursery. There was my little (d/n). She only just turned one. I pick her up and figure out she needed her diaper changed. Bringing her to the changing table we had, I quickly did what I needed to do. Walking over to the rocking chair, I sit down with her in my arms and slowly rock back and forth.

After almost 5 minutes she finally fell asleep and to be very honest looking at her made me tired too. I softly set her in her crib and walk back out into the living only to find (s/n) soundly asleep in Dazai's lap.

I walk over I sit next to him, putting my head on his shoulder. "When did you get home?" "Not that long ago," He said as he kissed the top of my head "as soon as I came in he rushed to my lap and feel asleep." I chuckle lightly while staring at our son. I slowly reach down and pick him up. Standing I walk and take him into his room and set him down.

I kiss his forehead before saying my goodnight and I turn off the light to his room. Walking back to the couch, I take the place where (s/n) was not that long ago. Wrapping my arms around his neck as I sit on his lap I ask "So how was your day?" He sigh and put his head against my shoulder "Boring without you, but I feel bad for leaving you with the kids all day." I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I don't mind being here with them..." I trail off at the end "I just don't know how it's gonna be with (s/n) starting school soon. I'm nervous and I really don't want him to be away from me." He moves his thumbs around my waist in circular motions. "He's gonna be fine (y/n), going to school is gonna be good for him, he'll make friends and learn a bunch of things." "I know but it makes me sad to see him growing up so fast. Also (d/n) she's already a year old." I sigh.

"(y/n) stop worrying for now and just relax alright?" "Fine" I say with a smile. I stand up from his hold and walk into our bedroom with him close behind. I grab a towel and go to our bathroom, him still following. "What are you gonna bath with me?" I question with my eyebrow raised. "I mean if you're asking I'll surely join you." He says with a chuckle and a wiggle of his eyebrows. "Fine, whatever floats your boat sweetheart"

Getting undressed I walk over to the bath and start the water and make sure its warm. I put some bubbles in to give it a good scent. When its just about full I step in and sit down, just as i'm about to lay back I feel Dazai jump in behind me. "geez at least give a heads up of you're coming in" He chuckles, then proceeds to wrap his arms around my torso, while showering my neck with gentle kisses. 

Leaning back I prop my head between his neck and shoulder and relax at his touch. Looking down at me he gently kisses my lips to which I respond with a smile on my face. "When was the last time we were able to relax like this?" He asked. "I honestly don't know and don't care because right is what matters to me and i'm liking this" I say with a giggle.

I reach out and gently pop the bubbles that were in front of me as a source of entertainment. I lightly smile every time one pops until I heard a chuckle behind me. Looking up at him, I give him a questionable glare. "(s/n) and (d/n) definitely got that personality trait from you because they do the same thing" I let out a loud laugh at the realization. Then continue to relax and pop bubbles.


We lay down in bed and cuddle after the bath. My face was in his chest while he rested his chin on my head, with his arms wrapped around me and our legs intertwined. Slowly I close my eyes and listen to his heart beat. "You know i'm really thankful to have you in my life," he starts "just seeing you after a long day with the kids, makes my heart flutter.. it's like i'm falling in love with you all over again."

I smile and look up at him and give him a light peck on the lips. "I love you Dazai" I say with an eye smile. "I love you too (y/n)"  He replied with a kiss on my lips.


Alright y'all I got one down and another to go. I'll do the other one tomorrow cause it took me a bit to come up with this one. Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment! <3

Edit- I'll delete this later but like if anyone sees this please comment. Would y'all like a lime or something idk if I could do a full out lemon lmao but I wanted to know if anyone would like that. If not I'll just stick to fluffy cute couple things cause I can't stand sad shit tbh 😂

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