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"What do you mean she's missing?" Gavi voiced from the speaker of Brooke's phone.

"That's exactly what I mean! She's gone, not here- missing!" Brooke yelled from the bed.

Brooke sat on the edge of the bed that resided in Lindsey's secret spot: a secret room inhabiting the basement. Not many know where Lindsey goes when she wants alone time or room to breathe. Except for Brooke. She was the only one, after her parents, that knew where Lindsey often disappears to. Which is why she soon adopted a bed into this room if she ever wanted to stay there for longer amounts of time.

Sitting at the wall facing the edge of the bed was a vanity and mirror. It's pale white figure was the perfect contrast to the very purple room. On the vanity was different items of makeup and brushes. To the side of it sat her worn, leather notebook. It was open to a page with scribbles of words that Brooke only assumed could be another song.

Leaning against her vanity was her sister's black violin case coated with stickers from all of her tours. Stickers from the globe decorated her case. France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Britain were only a few that turned the dark black canvas into a rainbow of adventure and memories. Though Brooke paid no mind to it as its always been there when Lindsey wants to play her violin. Until she remembered one little thing.

"G-Gavi?" she squeaked, "Does Lindsey normally leave her case open?"

A small rustle was heard and then his voice returned, "No not normally. She'll usually leave it open when she's practicing or tuning her violin. Other than that, she tends to close it and put it somewhere safe. She's yelled at me for handling it wrong before- don't worry though, it was all out of love."

Silence overcame the two as Brooke intently stared at the violin case. Something felt off about it and she knew that might be their answer. Quickly she stood from the bed and pressed over to the vanity. Bending down, she looked closely at the case she noticed how it was slightly open. Opening it further, she was met with an empty case.

She gasped in shock, loud enough that Gavi piped up. "What? What's the matter? Did you find her? Are you okay?"

"Her violin is gone!" she yelled.

"Are you sure? Maybe it's somewhere in the room-"

"Are you hearing yourself?" She stood from her spot and picked up the phone on the vanity. Her hands slightly trembled as she held it.

"Okay, so what's your point?" He sounded puzzled.

She shook her head in disappointment. Of all people, she was hoping he would be the one to catch on pretty quickly as he's gotten to know Lindsey quite well. Yet, here she is having to spell it out to him.

"Listen," she started, sitting down on the vanity chair with the phone in hand, "this might be a bit of a stretch but it's also quite plausible. You said that her case usually stays closed unless she's using her violin, right? Well the last time she used her violin was a few days ago in her secr-her room. Erm, her studio room to better put it. Now knowing her, she never keeps her violin out of her sight unless she's traveling on tour. But even then she still has to check up on them. So what if her violin was taken and that's why she's been gone for so long? She's somewhere out there trying to find her violin that was stolen?"

"True," he began, "but how would have someone stolen it without either of you knowing? Wouldn't you hear them breaking into your house?"

Brooke agreed. If someone did take it, they would have had to enter the house. To enter the house there would have been some type of indication, but there was none. No broken lock, no broken windows or doors, and their backyard was guarded with electric fencing. There was no sign of invasion anywhere.

"Unless..." she broke off with an uneasy voice.

"Your not going to say what I think you are, are you?" he asked equally as uneasy.

"Yeah," she nodded, "maybe the culprit was inside this entire time. Then when the moment came, they struck and left quietly."

This sent shivers down her spine and left goosebumps all over. Brooke couldn't stand the thought of someone residing within their home without them ever being aware. The scarier thought was how they probably were watching and listening to everything they said and did. Brooke was concerned that if they knew something that the public wasn't aware of, it could possibly ruin Lindsey and even worse: her career.

"Wait, aren't you at your parents house?"

"Well, yeah. How come?" she asks in curiosity.

"So how would they know where to find her if you're at your parents house? I mean, technically the only house the public should know of is her studio home in LA. So how did they figure out about her actual home in Arizona?"

"You have a point," she shifted in her seat, "but you forgot one thing: the internet. Someone could have easily searched up her home and went to the less popularly know one. Also she's talked about our parent's home a couple times on socials. It's not a total surprise that they knew where to find her. While we're no longer in Gilbert, our parents are still in Arizona."

Gavi let out a defeated sigh. Brooke understood how he felt. It's hard not knowing where someone went and having no evidence or clues. It leaves you wondering and helpless. At this point the only thing she could consider a clue was the empty violin case.

Her eyes scanned the room once more in longing of spotting another clue, or any clue at this point.

Her bed was unmade, like it usually always is. A small coffee cup sat on the nightstand to the side of her bed. Books were stacked three high on her desk on the other side of the room. The vanity contained several items of makeup, brushes, and her journal that was open to another page.

As her eyes flashed across the page she thought she read something quite odd. Slowly she reads the writing on the page.

All shining and silver with a beautiful face, you look into me and find this place.

"Brooke? Brooke? Are you there? Hello?" Gavi frantically asks.

Her eyes snap back to the phone as she jumps up in fear. Her mind is now racing and her heart is speeding up. Calmly she sits back down.

"Sorry, I'm here, just reading someth- hey Gavi, can you help me with something?"

"Sure, but aren't we trying to find Lindsey first?"

"Yeah, we are," she nods her head, "and luckily this might help! I'm going to read you something, so just sit tight." She picks up the notebook and reads aloud, "All shining and silver with a beautiful face, you look into me and find this place. What do you think it means?"

Gavi was silent for a moment. "Where did you see that?"

"It was a note in Linds' notebook, but it doesn't sound like her. Nor does it look like her handwriting. Maybe this is where we can find her?"

Brooke was ecstatic, her heart was beating fast once again. This could be their chance. Once they solved this riddle, they find Lindsey!

"While that sounds nothing like her, it doesn't seem that simple though. Just solve a riddle and boom, we find Lindsey? There's more going on here, more than even we are aware of. But this does solve one mystery. We now know that Lindsey was indeed taken."

Brooke silently nods and she continues to stare at the riddling clue.

Whoever you are, I'll find you and I'll make you regret ever touching my sister.

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