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My eyes snap open to a thick, green forest. Scents of pine and moss fill my nose and the sounds of animals racing across the leaf covered forest floor are all I hear. Birds chirp in the distance, and the wind picks up to a gentle breeze. I look up to the orange sunset sky.

Where am I? How did I get here?

I try to think about where I last was, but only an emptiness fills my mind. The more I try to think, the harder it is to remember in the first place.

This isn't right. I should be able to remember. It seems I was sleeping, so there's no way I could have forgotten.

I jump up at the sound of a rustling bush. Cautiously, I take a few, slow steps back when my back collides with a hard, bumpy wall. I look back to see a tall tree. With a sigh of relief, I refocus on the bush that continues to rustle. After an eternity, a small orange fox emerges from the bush. With no hesitation, I slowly walk to it- my hand outreached towards it.

It flinches and takes a step back but stares at me. Then it takes a step towards my hand and sniffs it. Seeing I'm no threat, it allows me to stroke it's soft, orange fur. The sun turns it to fire with an orange glow. It sits down as I continue to pet its fur. Some parts were wet, showing it has just cleaned itself and was now letting the cool evening air dry it's beautiful fur.

While I've only been here for a little while, nature has left me in awe. I always thought of it as a dangerous place where wolves and bears make their home. However, if you look hard enough you'll find treasures that aren't always known.

"You're a cute little guy aren't ya?" I scratch behind it's ear and watch as it's tail waggles excitedly.

A small giggle emits from me. Happily, it falls onto its back revealing a snow white belly. It's small tongue sticks out from its snout as it stares at me, waiting for me to play. This time I use both hands to scratch and pet its belly. A little yip sounds as I pet it. I continue to scratch, pat and play as it playfully snips at my hands. I notice small bumps on it's stomach and realize that it's a girl.

"You sure are friendly for a fox. Say, why don't you help me find my home? Could you do that?"

As if she understood me, she stands on her legs as I stand up too. I look both ways to see the same thing either way: trees, bushes, rocks and more. I now notice how the sky has become dusk and the sun has set. The sky is now a deep purple, leaving little light for me to see. The moon is beginning to rise and the stars are slowly shining down one by one.

I feel a small tug on my pants and look down at the fox. It softly rubs its head against my leg making me giggle at it's cute attempt to get me to pet it once more. I shyly shake my head, "I'm sorry but I really need to get home."

I look to the left once more and then to the right. Either way looks the same as the sky grows darker with each minute passing. I let out a small sigh wishing that I was already home. But a determination grows within me. I know it can't be that hard to find my way out of here. It's only a forest and the city shouldn't be too far away. Now that it's night, it should be easier to see the city's skyline lit up.

With a plan in mind, I decide to close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. To my left nature's sounds fill my ear. With small animals running across the leafy floor and larger ones making their presence known with snapping twigs and branches. To my right, I can hear water in the distance. It must be a river or a brooke.

The thought makes me miss my sister more. So with the little sounds I heard I decide to find the stream nearby and follow it.

With my new found friend, I make my journey through the forest making sure to keep the sound of the flowing water always near by. The stream would slowly get louder the further I wandered into the forest, but remained no where in sight. After what seemed like hours of wandering aimlessly, I decide to stop.

Looking around where I'm at I see a small bush next to a mossy tree. Sounds of crickets and owls fill the night and my eyelids begin to feel droopy. Now noticing how tired I really am, I begin to contemplate stopping for the night.

I check my surroundings for any rivers or signs of life, but my vision weakens from my sleepiness and blends with the darkness of night.

It seems pointless to even try at this point... It's far too dark for me to try to find my way out of here.

Defeated, I walk back under the tree and sit against its rough bark. While it did itch and poke my back, it was better than continuing to stand and the moss gave a slight cushion. I do my best to position myself between the tree for support and the bush for some warmth. After adjusting, the small little orange fox pranced over to me and settled onto my lap. Instantly I began to pet its fur as my mind wandered to other things and eventually drifted me off into sleep.


"Um, who are you?" a harsh voice wakes me from my slumber.

I instantly jolt awake and my eyes meet a hostile figure. The man before me wore a fur cloak and tunic underneath. It was textured with leather straps, belts and boots. He was tall and lean with muscle. A thick scar crossed his face from his right brow to underneath his eye.

His fiery eyes only burrow deep into mine making me realize the spear he held in his belt, his hand wavering over it. Panic was the first thought, but my hand brushes against the small fox sleeping in my lap. I took a deep breath and slowly remove the fox from my lap. The man only becomes more agitated at my action only waiting for some sort of answer. I stand, staying cautious of his hand over the handle of his spear.But my attempt only brought him to raise out hand towards me and his other closer to his spear.

"Answer me!" He shifts his feet away from me. "You're on clan territory!"

My mouth opens but no words follow. I stand there utterly mute, unsure of what to say.

Should I say I'm lost? But what if he doesn't help me? As if he'd know how to get me back to my home! Wait, we are on Earth right?

I shake my head of the thoughts. My forehead begins to sweat from the nervousness and my mouth runs dry. Now his hand is grasping the handle of his spear. Only bringing me closer to what seems like and inevitable death.

"Oh no answer?" He slowly begins to pull the spear from his belt. "Then I must follow the orders of the Chief."

In one full move he swipes his spear from his belt and directs it towards me. "I hereby sentence you to a penalty of death upon intruding private territory!"

He begins to charge at me with the spear. I only do the one thing I know and shut my eyes and tight as I can. I pray for a miracle as time seems to slow in this moment.

Oh how I wish this was a dream!

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