Chapter 2

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The rangers appeared on the Mega-ship and made a dash for the glider holding bay. Once they all had gotten food, they discussed their problem.

"What are we gonna do? All of Earth knows who we are." TJ said.

"When we go back down there we're gonna be hounded." Cassie said.

"Yeah. I agree." Ashley said.

"We're gonna be hounded day and night." Carlos said.

"Maybe we can hold a press conference and answer their questions now so we can have peace later. What do you think?" Ashley asked.

"That's a great idea." Karone said.

"When can we do it?" TJ asked.

"The soonest we can." Cassie said, "The sooner, the less we'll be pestered."

"I say we do it." Carlos said and the others agreed.

"I'll go make arrangements with NASADA." Andros said as he got up to leave.

"I'll go with you." Ashley said to her boyfriend, as she jumped up and followed him out of the room.

Andros and Ashley reached the bridge of the Mega-ship a few minutes later and went to work.

"DECA contact NASADA." Andros commanded.

"Communications open." DECA, the on-board computer said.

The main viewing screen showed a man about 50. "I'm Commander Norquist, how may I help you?" he asked.

"Commander. I am Andros the Red Ranger, and this is Ashley the Yellow Ranger. We have discussed it and we wish to personally communicate with the media of Earth at one time. I believe the word you use is 'press conference'. We would greatly appreciate it if NASADA would organize it." Andros said in a formal tone

"Sure, when and where?" Norquist asked

"Tomorrow at the NASADA building. Thank you. Astro Mega-ship out." Andros said as he closed communications.

"DECA please tell the other rangers about the press conference.

"Yes Andros." DECA said.

Next Day: NASADA
There were over a hundred reporters at the NASADA building waiting for the news about the rangers. They all gathered around a large stage that had been set up.
Soon Commander Norquist came onto the stage followed by the six Power Rangers (they were powered up). The rangers took a seat in the chairs that were provided as the Commander took the microphone first.

"Thank you for coming here today. I'm Commander Norquist. And let me introduce you to the Power Rangers." He said and motioned toward the six brightly colored teens.

The rangers stood up and as one they all shouted, "Power Down!" Seconds later the power rangers were gone and in their place stood six teens. They formed a V-shape with Andros in front, Cassie and Ashley on his sides, and TJ and Carlos beside them. Karone stood away from them. Andros took control of the microphone first.

"Greetings. I'm called Andros. I come from a planet several solar systems away, called KO-35. During the invasion we were forced to reveal who we are to some citizens of Angel Grove. However, we decided to tell all Earth. I am the Red Astro Ranger. And now we will introduce, to your world, the rest of the Astro Rangers." Andros said as he passed the microphone down.

Ashley took the microphone after Andros. "My name is Ashley and I'm the Yellow Astro Ranger." She passed it to Cassie.

"My name is Cassie and I'm the Pink Astro Ranger." Cassie said and then gave the microphone to TJ.

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