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The question what really bugs me is that why god has created human beings with six senses. How come we discovered lipsticks and nail polishes from a basic necessary invention of clothes and slippers?

Animals and plants also live in our society. There are born and they die someday but never carry anything from the world when they die. They always have only one goal - They survive to live and leave, with another generation blooming.

But humans being are so superior that they collect arts, books, cars, lands. Humans not only collect but also they are the one who set a price for each items and make them valuable.

But what do anyone gain from this?? Nada! may be people speak about you, many will envy you, some will try to steal it. But what one really takes when they leave the world - Nothing.

So when one has no right or when nature decided not to allow anyone to take anything why bother fighting for something which is useless someday.

humans think they can make a useless thing valuable and vice versa. They have created a brand for everything and no matter what the quality or quantity is the brand name is only matter. Some waste millions of money to buy a painting to show of the world or for their interest but the moment they buy they only care for its safety.

The more money and things a person collects the more their life is surrounded with fear and superior.

But collecting valuable things alone is not a problem. Everyone at least buys books or movie cds etc. But after few days it's not touched and not passed. It's just a piece of waste in the end.

We created all this and finding a solution for that is really a big deal. May be sometimes the time will tell its answer

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