Chapter 4

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Aizawa's routine changed overnight. Before, he will be woken up by his alarm clock at 7:30am. Now, a particular "Aizawa-san! Aizawa-san! Wake-up! Wake-up!" will startle him at 7:00am.

Before, he will start his day with only 2 cups of coffee. Now, "You need breakfast Aizawa-san or you'll get sick!" will keep on pestering him until he cooked something and eat it.

Before, it only took him 10mins. to travel from home to UA. Now, "Aizawa-san! There's a hero fight over there! Can we watch it? Can we? Can we? Please...." It's not that the puppy eyes affected him, but yeah, they spend 12mins. and 34 sec. watching the fight.

Before, there's only one loud Yamada that he ignores. Now, "Aizawa-san, do you work here? You work in a cool place?!Who's that? Is he also a hero? What's that?! Oh, is he a mouse? Or a small bear? Is he your pet?" Good thing the questions were keep on coming that it doesn't even wait for answers.

It was also a good thing that he already explained to the kid about his situation (excluding the lack of pulse). People can't hear or see him except Aizawa. And if they were around with anyone, he might not be able to talk to him. Surprisingly, Izuku understands.

'That was unexpected. He didn't even ask why. Something's wrong.'

So now, he let the kid wander around the building as long as he'll return to the faculty room on lunch break. And no, Aizawa wasn't worried every time Izuku disappeared on his sight.

On lunch break, he spent his time eating on the rooftop while listening to the kid's babbling. He was even impressed every time Izuku analyzed the quirks he saw. 'This kid was even better than the students I expelled.'

Izuku was never hungry, or even have any desire to eat or taste the food. Which is another weird thing, especially if he didn't know that he's a ghost

Same set up was made on the afternoon class. When it's time to go home, Aizawa was tired. Not only he lost his extra 30mins. sleep, but also his regular nap time before the class started and every break. But Izuku's smile make it worth it. And yes, Aizawa will never admit that loudly. Nope. Never.

In the evening, while grading the students, Izuku will sit beside him and turned on the tv. Aizawa already has a theory that Izuku has a kind of telekinesis ability. He can open the door without touching it and control the tv without the remote. (Where in the world is his remote?!) If it's because he's just a spirit, who knows.

After dinner, Aizawa will go to sleep immediately. This was another thing he needs to get used to; the small cold body that cuddled beside him in the bed.

"Good night, Aizawa-san."

"Night, kiddo."

Meanwhile, in the darkest place of the underworld, a man with a white suit appeared upon the light. Facing him was another man wearing a black cloak, sitting in a throne.

"In what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Gaizka?" the deep voice of the man echoed around them.

"What have you done?" the visitor asked, with accusation. "Was your real intention to change the life of humans? Is this an entertainment game for you?" Gaizka's cold eyes towards him.

"I only granted the deepest wish of a mother. Is that wrong for me to do?"

"Your past mistake will never be corrected by another mistake, Azrail."

"Ahh, but that's something you misunderstood," Azrail stood up and slowly walked toward Gaizka. "What I did before, and what I did now, were never been a mistake."

He stopped on his front, "In fact, I gave the child a big favor. He doesn't need to suffer anymore just to give justice to his world."

Gaizka observed him for awhile. "What is your plan? The destiny should not be played around."

Hiding in the black cloak was a smirked of death.

"You do not have to worry. The future might have change, but the ending will be the same. I already took the woman's life in exchange of his son's happiness," he turned his back. "You gave him the destiny to be the greatest hero. And that is something I could never be against to. He will save the humanity, that is for sure."

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