Chapter 6: August 15 pt.2

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"Athena? Hurry up you bumhole before miss Rollinson growls you for dissing tutoring" Scott chimes in as we park up at school.

" Oh" I quickly get out of Scott's car as I notice school's finish, the carpark was flooded with teenagers scurrying home.

I quickly pace into school, whilst trying to dodge the school kids who mindlessly trampled throughout the carpark.

Making it through the traffic I race to the library in record time.

" Miss Hale you look distraught? Why are you breathing like a dragon in my library?" Grey haired Mrs Rollinson askes, with her slinky arms rested on her hips.

" Uh sorry Miss" I say whilst trying to recuperate my breathing.

She just shakes her head in frustration and wonders off to cause more uneccessary trouble elsewhere.

I walk through the library and find Luke with his nose stuck in a book, in the corner of the library.With raised eyebrows I take a seat next to him and look down at the book he seemed intrigued in.

Letters to a Young Poet

"For that reason young people- who are beginners in everything-cannot yet love; they do not know how to love. They must learn it." Luke reads aloud breaking the silence that hung in the air.

I remain still and unsure of what to say or how to respond to that.

" Is that for your assignment or something?" I prop my elbows on the table.

Luke's eyes flash to my placed elbows for a second then retreats his eyesight to the book.

" Nope" He simply answers.

Where's the talkative and annoying Luke?

" So you're just reading...a book?" I say hysterically.

" No I'm just staring at the words" Luke sits back and stares at me with a stone face.

" O-kay, what do you want to work on today" I decide not to ask whether his answer was sarcastic or what, but something is definately off with him.

" I think I'll just finish off this book, unless you want me to do something else" He remains monotone, and I frown at that.

What's up with Luke?

" Err, go for it" I state with my hands in the air. I lean back in my seat and fold my arms.

Luke resumes to reading and I contemplate whether to leave him or sit here awkwardly doing nothing.

Drumming my fingers on my arm and staring at the shelves of books, I turn my attention to Luke who seemed content with reading. His lips were slightly pouted, making him look like a kid. His hair wasn't as spiked compared to previous school days. He appeared relaxed, and lost.

I wonder if he does really have a sister? If so does anyone else know? What about his family? Does he have a mum and dad? Or is he really alone.

I hear mumbling and giggling over the shelves and I see three girls in a circle looking over at Luke.

Oh God

Seriously, can't they see he's busy. Just as the thought slipped my mind one of them approaches Luke.

Here we go

I shift awkwardly in my seat, to turn around and focus on the interesting book shelf again.Luke sees my movement just as the girl plops herself on the table next to him.

" Hi, Im Amberlique" The girl chirps with a flirtatious smile.

I'm going to puke

Luke looks up at her from under his eyelashes briefly then returns to the book in his hands.

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