Chapter 3 August 13

87 10 16

Unedited-Sorry if any mistakes

" Is that all?" Scott wiggles his eyebrows suggestively after I tell him about my experience with Luke yesterday.

I just roll my eyes

"Yes.That's .All"

" Why did he just leave though?And Woah he has a sister?Does she come to our school?How old is she?" Scott blurts out suddenly.

" Woah Woah Woah slow down mate...Jeez well I don't know the answer to any of those questions actually" I purse my lips and shrug my shoulders.

"Well find out" Scott sits up with his back off the bed.

"Uh I'm with Wylde remember?"

Scott rolls his eyes this time.

"Athena I'm not asking you to fuck him.I just want you to try and figure out this guy" Scott states reasonably.

"But why would I want to do that?"

"Because...Noone has figured him out Sherlock" Scott resumes to his position, with his hands behind his head as he rests on my bed.

"Isn't that a good thing?I mean don't we all know him anyways?" I hop off the bed and attempt to brush my hair.

"Yeah but...There's always a story to someone?You know...and I want to know his..Why is he the way he is"

"That's a bit nosey you know, it's none of my business" I give up on my hair and start to tidy up my room. Why am I fiddling?

" Yes I know that Athena, but come on aren't you at least a tad curious?" Scott persuades.

Am I curious?Do I want to know?

Well I honestly do want to know why he left so suddenly and why no one knows about his sister?

Omg Athena you're curious! You want to know as much as Scott.

You devil you.

"Well ...."

"Yess! You're awesome...I guess this tutoring thing is a great opportunity to get your hands dirty" Scott beams at me.

"What! I didn't agree to anything Scott.." I defend myself

"Well you didn't disagree" Scott bounces up from the bed and checks his phone.

"I better go..I'll text,call,viber,Facebook or instagram you..Laters Athena" Scott says as he pecks me lightly on my cheek before dashing out

I open my mouth to argue but he beats me to it.

"I know!We're not finished talking!We'll talk later. Bye Athena" Scott yells before he shuts my front door.

That boy knows me too well. I then feel a rush of guilt overcome me as I realise that Scott knows everything about me...and that I've never lied to him...ever.But Wylde...thinks he knows everything...but he doesn't ..and I've lied to him.

A buzz on my desk snaps my thoughts, I reach for my phone and see Wylde calling.

I exhale loudly before I answer.

"Hey babe" I chirp

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing much just at home,you?". I stare at myself in the mirror

Liar my reflection mouths to me.

"Just thinking about you, why don't you come over?" Wylde suggests and I just imagine him wearing that god awful smirk.

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