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She felt like she was watching the movie reel for ages. The film showed her and Hal on her wedding day. It was a small intimate ceremony with only close family and friends. But nevertheless, a happy day.

She couldn't get up and leave. The old film reel played over and over again on a constant loop, and Alice felt trapped.

"You see this, Alice?" she could hear him. "Do you see how happy we were together?"

Alice's eyes were still locked on the film reel. She didn't even notice Hal appear in front of her.

"We can still be this happy, but you want to throw it all away. You're giving up on us! On Chic!"

She scoffed.

"I'm giving up? Really, Hal? You're the one that decided to pull the plug." She felt herself growing more confident.

"I'm doing what's best for us, for you! Because I love you!" he yelled back over the reel playing behind them. She could hear their vows being played. have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

"No....that's not love." His eyes became darker.

"I don't need you to make me happy anymore, Hal." she continued. "I have my job, I have Chic, and........I have FP, who in every way you're a real man."

She didn't know why those last few words came out of her mouth, but it felt so natural. Like she enjoyed it.

Hal looked hurt, then his face grew angrier. Darker than she remembered.

"I don't want to leave you like this. But, you've just dug your own grave, baby."

Then Alice, realizing what she had done, turned away from Hal, but bumped into a dark figure behind her. The Black Hood loomed over her like he came straight out of a horror film. He immediately tackled her to the ground and pinned her down. Alice tried to get up but he wrapped his hands around her throat. She struggled for words, losing air. She clawed at him, but he was too strong.

And the video was still playing.

"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." the video taunted at her, almost like a curse.

"!" a voice cried out, but Alice was losing strength. Her vision began to go black and she was losing air. His hands clenched tighter.

"Mom! Mom, wake up! Mom!"

Alice woke up gasping for air. It was just a bad dream. Chic was by her side with his hand on her shoulder. Alice forced herself up and immediately felt nauseated.

"Chic...." she gulped. She pushed him arm away as she got up from her bed and hurried to her bathroom. She collapsed over her toilet and threw up. Her head was throbbing and her breath reeked of tequila. Memories of the day before came flooding into her mind. Why did she think drinking her sorrows away was a good idea?

"Mom?" Chic came into the bathroom and rubbed her back. Alice began choking out tears. She never had weird and violent dreams after a long night of drinking. So why was this happening? And why with Hal?

"I'm sorry..." she sobbed, lifting her head and resting her back on the cabinet. "You shouldn't have to put up with me like this."

"You're under stress, Mom. It's okay." Chic grabbed a towelette from the rack and watered it down. He handed it to her and she brought it to her forehead.

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