New Start- Gunner

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I was scared. I had just moved to LA to find a new job and restart my life. I had ptsd and anxiety from my house. My father abused me and my mother protected me and didn't want me to leave but I had too. I was sitting in front of my apartment. My anxiety was so high and I was scared to go in. I sat down on the steps and started to cry.

G- umm hey are you okay?
(y/n)- Ohh umm yeah sorry
G- you sure your crying
(y/n)- Yeah I'll be fine
G- okay. I'm going in
(y/n)- Ohh I'll come I live in this building too
G- Ohh I've never seen you before
(y/n)- yeah I'm new. I just moved from NY
G- Ohh that's far. Why did you move?

That question made me think about my father and gave me anxiety. I was quite and didn't answer him. Tears were so close to falling again.

G- hello??
(y/n)- ....
G- can you please tell me if your okay?

I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to just cry and tel this guy everything but I was scared.

(y/n)- I'm fine
G- okay well I'm gunner
(y/n)- I'm (y/n)
G- this is me
(y/n)- I'm down the hall

We parted ways and I let my self into the apartment. I sat on the couch and cried for hours. I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and went to open it.

G- hey
(y/n)- hi?
G- do you wanna come to my apartment
(y/n)- umm not today
G- please if will be fun
(y/n)- I'm busy

I turned to leave but gunner went to grab my hand. He grabbed my wrist instead. I yanked my hand away as fast a possible and screamed.

(y/n)- NOO STOP

I feel to the ground sobbing. Gunner closed the door and sat next to me.

G- what's wrong what happened
(y/n)- no can you get away from me.
G- sure

Gunner moved back and I continued to cry for a few minutes. I turned around and looked at Gunner. He looked scared and confused. It was cute.

(y/n)- look I'm so sorry. This is not how I wanted to meet new people
G- it's fine. You wanna tell me what's wrong.
(y/n)- um sure I guess.

We stayed on the floor and I told gunner about my father and my mother. I told him why I can her and that I was scared. I told him about my abusive ex boyfriend you would grab my wrist they way he did. By the end of it I was a mess I had tears streaming down my face and I was shaking.

G- Ohh (y/n). That sucks. I'm so so sorry
(y/n)- me too

Gunner pulled me into a hug and we sat on the ground for a few minuted hugging. Tears were still streaming down my face but I felt safe. I looked up at gunner.

(y/n)- can I tell you something?
G- Yeah
(y/n)- you make me feel safe and I don't want you to leave
G- awww I feel the same way
(y/n)- really?
G- really

We both leaned in a kissed. It was the start of a new adventure.

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