The First Day- CJ

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Today was my first day of work at a new job. I had moved to Los Angles a few months ago and finally found a job that I was very excited about. I was going to be working for a company called Hi 5 Studios. At Hi 5 Studios there were many different YouTube channels that people worked on to create. I was super excited to be part of Team Edge and Rekt. I already had quite a following on social media so  I was used to being on camera. I walked into the office and was met with quite a few people standing near the door. 

"Hi!" they all said. 

"You must be (Y/N)." Tanner said. 

"Yup." I responded. 

"Matthias wants to speak with your for a few minutes and then we shall get started."

"sounds great"

I walked up to Matthias' office and met him at the door. 

"Welcome! We're super excited to have you join Team Edge and Rekt." Matthias said. 

"Thanks you! I'm super excited as well"

"Rekt is filming a video soon and that will be the first video you're in. Tanner and the rest of the team will help you get set up and show you how we do things here"

"That sounds great. See you later"

I walked back downstairs and on my down I passed a super cute guy. We made eye content for a few seconds before I hurried downstairs to film. Wow he was so cute. I wanna get to know him. I thought to myself. 

"Hello?"Tanner said, waving his hand in front of my face. 

"Oh sorry" I said focusing my attention on him. 

"What were you thinking about?"



I followed Tanner and the rest of the team onto the set and we began to film. It went pretty smoothly for it being my first time with everybody. We finally finished and I was walking back to my office when I bumped into someone. I looked up. It was the guy from before.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I exclaimed. 

"Its totally fine." He responded back. "I'm CJ by the way."


"(Y/N) I like it. Well I should probably get back to work. Ill see you later"

"Yeah, see you later."

I returned to my office and tried to do some work but my mind was on CJ. I mean I couldn't possibly like him already. I barley know him. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize CJ walk into my office. 

"(Y/N)!" CJ said.

"What, sorry" I said my thoughts being disrupted. 

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking"


"Nothing. Just work"

"Okay. Well I came in here because I wanted to let you know I think you're really pretty and I wanna get to know you more."

I felt myself blush. "Awww thats so sweet thanks and you're pretty good looking yourself."


CJ left my office and left me we a huge smile on my face. Now I was even more excited about my first day. 

Sorry its a little short. I have been super busy and I've been sick but now that Corona Virus has given me no school for a week and I have free time, I will try my best to update this story me often. Also give me ideas because I'm running out. 

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