The legend of The Green Ribbon

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Jenny. She was like all the other girls except one thing, she always wore a green ribbon around her neck. There was a boy named Alfred in his class and he loved her and Jenny also liked Alfred. One day, he asked her why she was still wearing the ribbon.

She could not tell him why. Alfred asked him anyway, and Jenny told him it was not important for him to know why. Jenny and Alfred grew up and fell in love. They got married. After their wedding, Alfred insisted that Jenny explain why she wore the ribbon around her neck.

He wanted to know everything about it, but especially why. Jenny told her to wait and she would tell him in due course. Many years later, when Alfred and Jenny were old, Jenny became very sick and the doctor told her she was dying. Jenny called Alfred at his side.

Alfred leaned in close as Jenny told him the time had come to learn the truth about the ribbon. She asked him to detach him. Slowly and cautiously, he untied it and, at the moment of releasing it, Jenny's head fell to the ground at Alfred's feet.

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