Chapter 4: Nightmares,Pills and a Dark Past

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Authors note: I have NO HATE towards GOD whatsoever, being as im religious. Everything pertaining to this is just for the character no hate whatsoever. Im sooo sorry if it offends someone


Everyone, except for CJ got up and headed for their rooms for the night. She felt her dad pat her shoulder and move to her mother murmuring that hell wait up for her before disappearing up the stairs. As she sat at the table by herself she couldn't help but wonder if this would ruin the family.


Once she finally left the table and got up to her childhood room to get settled for the night, sleep didn't come easy, but then again it never did.


All she knew when she came to was that she was strapped to a chair and had an extreme amount of blood running down her face. She had no clue where she was taken and the room she was held in had very little light, now CJ was never scared of the dark, but in this moment she was scared shitless. A sudden noise to her left caught her attention, she had no idea what or who it was but it had her heart racing out of her chest. "Who the fucks there?!" she was trained to keep her voice calm and collected just in case she was ever in this type of situation, but she was already failing.

"CJ is that you?!"

"Grace?!? Jesus Christ! I told you to get the fuck outta there!" Grace Schmidt, the only spotter CJ trusted and the only one besides LJ that she considered family.

"Kind of fucking hard when they had me surrounded!"

What a smartass just like Levi. Out of nowhere a door opens blinding them with light and in walk 3 men with different types of tools, setting them in the middle of the room. She could see the fear on Grace's face, but CJ was a Barton and she had that stone cold look that she had inherited from her father, kept the fear hidden real well.

Finally, the bigger man of the 3 decided to talk, "Who is going to go first hmm? The little sniper over there is already hurt, so how about you darling?"

CJ could see that he was directing his question towards Grace while picking up a heavy duty knife. Like hell she was going to lets these bastards threaten her friend! "Leave her alone you fucking piece of shit! I'll fucking end you!" Thrashing wildly in her chair she got the ring leaders attention.

She could see the knife reflecting light in his hand as he walked towards her, "Oh, so the little bitch speaks! I want to know if she cries too." He was in her face with a nasty smirk and the knife was now eye level as he was talking to her, "This is what's going to happen bitch, you're going to say what I want to hear or your friend over there is going to be tortured slowly and painfully, like a little lamb." His voice was like nails on a chalkboard and it was pissing her off.

"Yeah.. The thing about that is..." CJ never finished her sentence as she headbutted the man from her seat, causing blood to trickle down his face.

The growl he let out was animalistic, "Hold this cunt down! She's going to watch every painful moment that her friend is going to go through!"

She felt the 4 dirty hands of the 2 other men around her neck and face so she couldn't divert her eyes, that's when she noticed the ring leader moving back towards Grace, "Get the fuck away from her!" She knew all her struggles and words would be a lost cause.

"This is all on YOU American, just know her suffering and death will be on YOUR hands!"


End of Nightmare/Flashback

She woke up gasping for air and running her shaky hands down her face. Her body was soaked in a cold sweat, something that always happened when she slept. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was almost noon, how she stayed in bed that long was beyond her, she was always an early riser even as a kid. Finally getting the courage to actually get out of the bed, she rummaged around her bag and pulled out a sports bra and tank top to change into. She could hear movement downstairs but couldn't identify who it was or if it was multiple people.

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