Chapter Three

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You'd not known Namjoon for very long, but you noticed a lot of little habits he'd gotten into:

1) He'd hold doors open for you, and always make sure that you went through them first; this included cars, buildings and anything else door-like and built for humans to enter.

2) He flashed you his "expensive" smile all the time, showing off his perfect dimples and his bright brown eyes.

3) He covered said smile when he laughed, something you immediately hated and found yourself tugging at his wrist to pull his hand away.

4) He was incredibly soft hearted and kind, and made sure to let the waiting staff at the restaurant know just how much he appreciated them serving you both.

5) He was completely smitten, unapologetically head over heels in love with his son. He was quick to show you the many photos he had of Haneul in his wallet. He had loads on his phone too, but there was something special about carrying his son around with him physically rather than digitally, which you appreciated.

6) Namjoon can't hide things from anyone, despite how hard he tries.

Namjoon picked you up at six, exactly when he promised you. And, after spending a good while choosing what you wanted to wear, you ran out the door and practically beamed at him. He held the car door open for you and helped you in, as a gentleman would do. In the car, he talked your ear off about little things, but it didn't make the conversation any less interesting or engaging.

When you got to the restaurant, he pulled your chair out to help you in, and sat down opposite you. You hadn't been to a Korean BBQ place in so long. You hadn't been anywhere for a while. You didn't have many friends in Korea and you allowed work to take over your life. You enjoyed your work. You also enjoyed solitude. But Namjoon's company was worth leaving your confined living spaces.

"So," Namjoon began putting his chopsticks down and giving you his full attention, "tell me about you. What made you move to Korea?"

"Change of scenery, I guess." You replied. "Everything got too samey, you know?"

"I understand. Why photography?"

"Because it was the only thing I was ever good at." You laughed, as did Namjoon. But part of you was being serious.

"I doubt that's true."

You nodded and took a mouthful of drink. "What do you do? I never asked."

He hesitated, thinking about his answer; something that confused you. "I work in the music industry." He replied finally.

"How vague."

He laughed. "It's just a really long story and a lot to swallow, is all."

"I have time... and can swallow a lot."

Namjoon choked on his drink, the liquid spurting everywhere, including onto the grill. The sizzle of it dissolving on the hot griddle, combined with the redness in Namjoon's cheeks caused you to laugh. And it wasn't the cute "please like me" kind of laugh that you usually do when you're hanging around with your crush. Your head tipped back, your lungs screeched and your hands began to clap like a seal performing at the local sea life centre. Everyone around you turned to look at your table, but you couldn't see anything except the lids of your eyes as they'd closed in sheer joy at Namjoon's misfortune. When you opened them again, you saw Namjoon wiping his shirt down from the spit and soju that had been spilled all over it.

"So this is what you're like when you don't have to be professional."

"Listen, you walked right into that one, don't pin this all on me."

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