Chapter One

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New Year's for Koreans was a time for family. It was a time where they would all get together and celebrate a bright new future, filled with wonderfully good luck and great grades for their children. Their children, who under absolutely no circumstances, wished for their photographs to be taken professionally, but were forced to because it's what their parents wanted. And, given that you were one of the best photographers in Seoul, of course it was to you they turned for that extra special something. 

It's true, all of your photographs were beautiful. Perfect even. Which is why you'd been backed up, taking New Year's family photographs since October. Your life in the west had meant that for two months solid you'd listen to Christmas music on repeat, and come to loathe the fact that Chris Rea was still driving home for Christmas, and had been since 1988. But your life in the east meant you'd be celebrating New Year before Halloween had even had a look-in. To say Autumn was your busiest time was an understatement. Though, the pay was phenomenal so you found yourself not allowing yourself to complain. 

Except for when you had one of those families in. The kind where money wasn't a problem for them and therefore no one appreciated objects as they were completely replaceable. And the fact that that little demon's mother had the audacity to moan when you charged them extra for the backdrop the kid had torn in two drove you up the wall. He, in the space of five minutes, set you back at the very least £50. But, of course, you had to remain level headed and professional despite how that woman grated on your last nerve. Just think of the money. You found yourself repeating that phrase on numerous occasions - when the kids were too loud, or were crying, or just weren't doing as they were told. 

It was New Year's Eve, your last full day of work before you took the week off and just lounged in your bedsit for the entirety of the time to just avoid people and recharge your batteries. You were looking forward to vegging out on your bed, watching Netflix and forgetting about all of your problems. And you meant all of them. They were all issues for 2019 to deal with, not for New Year's Day when you were the only sad sack sat at home with two men to keep you company. Your favourite men: Ben and Jerry. Two men who provided you with the most orgasmic sensations without actually touching your hoo-ha. 

When ten o'clock struck, you were all but throwing your last customers out, saving your work to your hard drive ready to print them in the New Year. You had just started to dismantle the camera when you heard a knock at the door. "I'm sorry, I'm closing up for the night." You stated. You looked up to see a man, tall, but built well, carrying a small child in his hands. Well, you assumed it was a small child, you couldn't see it properly under the thick parka coat that was covered in a layer of white dusting. 

"I know, and I'm really sorry to do this to you, I was just wondering if you could take our pictures? Well, mainly Haneul's." He asked. "I'll pay you double for your time - triple even. It's just my mum's putting a lot of pressure on me this year to get a picture of him... us. I can't say no to her again."

You wanted to say no. Your feet were actually begging you to say no, to tell him to leave and never return. But there was something about him you found it difficult to say no to. The softness in his eyes, his desperate, crooked smile that showed off his dimples as he awkwardly smiled at you in the hopes that you would give him this favour, the sadness in his demeanour. Everything from the snow on their matching coats to the fact that he was protecting his son from the cold with everything he had, just warmed your heart and forced you to take pity on him this cold December night. 

"Alright." You relented with a sigh. The light that shone on his face when you agreed was enough to make you forget the promise that he made to pay you triple what you would have earned tonight. "If you could take... Haneul?" He nodded. "If you could take Haneul's coat off and put him on that red chair. What backdrop would you like?" 

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