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"Of course not!" put in the ornithologist Susan Davies. "Its not a Quetzalcoatlus northropi* though." Marissa stated. "But that thing is gigantic!" countered Ian. The large unknown pterosaur hovered above them, and the commotion caused the arthropod expert Joey Burt to wake up. "What's all the noi- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" he yelled when he saw the pterosaur. It suddenly flew to the centre of the island. "That was probably a new species of pterosaur!" Dav excitedly exclaimed. "It is LIVING pterosaur!" shouted Joey. "Oh my mother FUKuisaurus tetoriensis*!" Peter yelled. "Quick, Occam's razor!" They started spitting out theories rapidly, applying the simplest as correct. "A hallucination?" Marissa questioned. "Maybe we've stumbled on a time portal?" Joey said. "Well, we don't even know if it is even real yet" Marissa shot back, defending her theory. As on cue, the unidentified pterosaur landed nearby, and poked the boat with it's beak. "That is definitely real" Dav said, as he scrambled to regain his footing and chased off the titanic beast. "Bird?" Peter said doubtingly, and then realized the suggestion didn't hold water.  "Definitely not." "Maybe a surviving pterosaur than?" Joey excitedly replied, "Yes!" "Probably a new species. Maybe  we've stumbled upon some sort of wormhole or time machine or time capsule or-." "Whoa, hold it there!", Dav. Let's not jump to those types of conclusions yet. All we know is that something weird is going on, but we have no explaination so far." "Amen. Amen. That's great Dav. Let's leave it at that, and maybe we can explore to find out what is really going on here," Smith agreed. "Now let's press on."

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