I love you guys

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Ok I want to be serious with all of you guys for a few minutes. I just want to say that you guys are amazing. you are what keeps me going. you guys are the reason why I keep writing and uploading new chapters. I love each and everyone of you. and I just want you guys to know that if you are ever going through any tough times that I'll be here for you, just like you guys are there for me. I love reading all your comments and I love seeing all the votes that you guys give. I can't even begin to explain how much it means to me. I read every single one of your comments and every time I read them I always wanna break out in years cause you guys are so amazing. you all make my day. A lot of the time I go through really hard time and when ever I can read what you guys have to say it makes feel like there is someone out there that cares. and that someone is you. I have never been able to show anyone what I write, not my friends, not my family, no one. but here on wattpad I can show you guys and not get judge for what I write. I have always had bad insecurities about what I look like and what I sound like and now that I have you guys reading. commenting and voting for the things that I do, I feel more confident in everything I do. sometimes I can't even begin to explain how much you guys mean to me. it's a lot. if I could I would find each and every single one of you and give you all a hug. I just can't even. you are all wonderful human beings and I really love you all. well this is just me being serious with you guys for a little bit.

and this is me being not serious:


Okay well thank you guys so much. I love you all. and I'll see you later. Bye!

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