Chapter 1

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It was dark outside, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find my glasses, I swooped my phone from  the sidetable and quickly read the time:

'It's only 9 pm?!? How am I so tired?'  I asked my labmate who was leaving the resting room.

'We stayed up all last night trying to find an answer to that genetic manipulation in the virus, remember?'

I didn't remember anything but I wasn't going to worry with that at that moment, I felt an urge to sleep, a sudden pain in my chest and later my head hurt like hell, I blacked out. The next day it was all going to be okay, it was my parents aniversary June 16th, 2153 and I was going to leave the lab and meet them for brunch.

I woke up filled with energy and ready to work until 11am, until my parents got to New York. I glanced outside like I do every morning and felt the need to look closer, I shivered in disbelief, that was not the NY I saw everyday, that was a city where caos rulled. 

I knocked on my fellow researcher's door , he was sitting on his bed, his eyes stood still but his hands were fidgeting. I screamed out his name and he gigled, but his facial expression was almost displaying a horror story, I asked him if he was alright, he got up and his response was like a cry for help. 

Suddently, he wished me luck as he fell to the floor, his eyes had now turned black and his veins popped out of his lifeless body.

I decided to look around the building, and later, the city. Everyone was in the same state as my collegue, the same happened outside, nobody had a pulse, I stood there surrounded by black eyed corpses that would certainly freak anyone out, but not me.

I knew why they were like that.

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