Chapter 1

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Aaron wasn't a one of those super hot jocks. He was two years younger than me and such a weird awkward person. Huge band nerd who played the trumpet. He thought he was god gift to earth since his girlfriend was two years older than him. Him and I had been together for almost two years but I knew it was coming to an end. Things just werent the same anymore, we let other people get in the way,but mostly we let sex ruin our relationship. Within those two years there were at lest seven girls I know of that he cheated on me with, I'm sure there were probably more than that. The one who got to me the most was my best friend of nine years. Holly and I had been best friends since I moved schools in fifth grade. At first things were a little rough then it became us against the world.

    It was the summer right after I graduated, Aaron was on my dads baseball team. I tried my best to make it to every game I could on top of working. Going to his games was getting harder and harder knowing Holly was going to be there with his family. Aaron's family absolutely loved me, the feeling was mutual. They were my second home. Things at my house were rough, they made things simply fun. Since Holly started coming around I could feel them replacing me getting angry at my jealousy toward her. Im not stupid I knew there were things going on between her and Aaron. It was their body language together, always wanting to invite the other wherever we went, constant inside jokes I was always left out on. To say I secretly hated her was a complete understatement.

    Since I hated going to his games alone my friend Calen went with me so I didn't have to deal with them alone. This night I knew Holly had to work so I would get to actually enjoy this one. Sitting on the bleachers playing with his nephews watching Aaron pitch for the first time, things were pretty great until Calen bugged me. "Hey I thought you said Holly had to work tonight?" She asked me "She does, why do you think I'm enjoying this so much?" I replied. Calen had a sour look on her face and said" Well the fun just ended because look over at Aaron by the fence." I slowly turned my head knowing exactly what was going to see. Holly was leaned against the fence giggling with him glancing over at me smirking. I was getting so mad yet I knew I had to keep my cool or Calen would go after her. Calen is 5'6 100 pounds at most, yet this girl could take someone four times her size. I sat there holding back my angry tears putting on the fakest smile I could, trying to just pay attention to the two little boys sitting on mine and Calen's laps.

    After the game she and I walked over to the fence where the guys were celebrating their win, so I could play my roll of happy girlfriend while totally ignoring Holly who was drooling over my boyfriend. I was so proud of him for pitching his team to victory. I gave him and big hug but when I went in for a kiss he kinda dogged me, moving his face slightly so id land on his cheek. I kept my head down as I told him we had to leave which wasn't totally a lie even though I really didn't want to be around the two of them anymore. Calen and I had a party to go to that night. I had asked Aaron a few times to go with me but he kept telling me his mom said no even though i knew he didn't even ask her to go. Calen was dating one of my best friends named Stephan. Stephan lived right down the road from the baseball field, his family was on vacation so of course we were going to have a little get-together.

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