How it Began EDITED

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I jumped from my desk, where I was doing my homework, and ran downstairs fast but warily knowing that whatever came next wouldn't be pleasant.

I reached downstairs and saw my dad with many empty alcohol bottles on the kitchen counter and living room table, I looked up from the table and saw Samuel, my 'dad', glaring at me furiously while holding an empty bottle in one hand, "Yes, 'dad'?" I asked staring up at him.


"S-sorry I needed to finish my homework."

"FUCK YOUR STUPID HOMEWORK! YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER INSTEAD OF BEING SUCH A BURDEN!" Samuel then threw the bottle at my head it smashed against my head and blood was quickly streaming down my face.

"Get over-"

Oh hey, I didn't see you there my name's Lance, Lance Mcclain. Lemme guess what your thinking "That's so sad. How could he be so cruel? I hope he wasn't like that since you were firstborn." Well to answer that question no, in fact, he wasn't. He used to be the best dad in the universe, but that was 9 years ago, he hasn't been a relatively good dad since my mom died but instead of letting you try to figure out how with that small brain of yours, how about I just explain it from the beginning;

It started nine years ago my family and I had been living in a small town called Arus and I had wanted some ice cream, something I never knew I'd regret so much...

"Lance come on if you want to get your ice cream on time we need to leave now, I still need to go to the bank first!" Yelled Rosa, Lances' mom, "Coming mom!" Yelled a 6-year-old lance running down the stairs in blue jeans, a black lego Ninjago shirt, and black socks. He put on his shoes and opened the door about to leave with his mom before he went back inside and yelled, "Té amo Papa!" "Té amo Lance!" Yelled back Lance's dad, Samuel.
Lance grabbed his mom's hand and walked down the stairs leading out of the house his mom following close along. The blue-eyed Cuban and Rosa slowly started to walk to the bank in comforting silence.

They reached the bank and they walked in going towards one of the small lineups. Lance started to jump up and down as they neared closer to the front which meant it was almost time for ice cream. Shots rang out through the bank while the glass windows broke causing everyone to yell in panic and duck down trying to avoid the shots fired.

Three people all dressed in purple and black with submachines guns walked up to the front where Rosa and her son where the one in front tolled her to move before he made her but Rosa, being the tough woman she is, wouldn't back down and instead took out her phone and started to dial the police. Before she was able to finish one of the men with one red eye and a scar over it shot her right through her heart, causing the blood to splatter all over the horrified wide-eyed Cuban boy named Lance.

Lance started screaming with tears pouring out of his eyes, bringing the eyes of the terrorist, known as "The Galra", to fall upon him. The one closest to him grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and slammed him against the counter causing him to slump down to the floor next to his dead mom's body while quietly whimpering.

Before the terrorist was able to shoot someone else police came barging in while shooting the tourist they put them in handcuffs and took Lance home.

The Cracking Mask ;Rewrite upWhere stories live. Discover now