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Lance POV

I haven't eaten ice cream since then.....but back to my story-


"Y-yes dad." I stuttered walking around him to the sink, pilled over the edge with dishes.

As I'm doing the dishes I start to  think about everything I've been through ever since my mom died, though I deserve everything that happened and is still happening  to me..... Rachel didnt.....

*Flashback* 3 years ago*

"Dad No! You're going to kill him!" Yelled a 12 y/o Rachel running infront of Lance to talk to their dad.

"Move now Rachel, he deserves this for daring to speak back to me!" Samuel yells at her holding a knife wuth blood blotches on it from when he had been slicing on lances back, chest and stomach.

Behind Rachel Lance was curled in a ball, loud ugly sobs pouring out of his mouth and blood oozing from everywhere but his face. He was stuttering to apologize for talking back.

"Dad please! Think about it you can't kill him everyone will know!!"

"Like I care I can cover it up easy. Now move before I kill you instead!!"

"You'll have to get through me first!!" Rachel yelled running forward and trying to push him dad away.

"Fine then!" Samuel yelled as he lunged forwards shoving her hard out of the way.

Lance watched it terror as his twin flew and banged her head against a wall, she slid down unconscious blood splattered on the wall and dripping down to where she landed in a heap.

"Rachel!!" Lance yelled worried over the one person who still cared about him.
He was unable to worry for long though, the moment her head hit the wall his father lunged at him again and left a series of  long gashes throughout his body.

A hour and finally Samuel got bored of beating him he dropped his knife grabbing his keys and headed to the car where Lance could only assume he was going for more drinks. After waking from his case he realized Rachel was still in a heap next to the wall and scurried over to her as quick as possible, which wasnt very quick because of the bruises throughout his body.

"Rachel?" Lance whimpered touching her body lightly he quickly moved his hands off her shocked at the freezing cold coming from her body and not the normal warmth.

Lance shook Rachel gently crying her name in worry she wasn't moving, she wasn't breathing. She was dead.

"Rachel no!" Lance cried hugging her tightly. 'It wasnt fair Rachel was the last person I had she didnt deserve to die this is all my fault...' lance thought still crying and holding her tightly.

Before Lance had realized an hour had passed and his siblings had came him they walked into the dining room to see blood on the wall and Lance holding Rachel tightly, crying.

Veronica gasped rushing forward to see Rachel, Marco not to far behind.
Marco shoved Lance out of the way not caring for his cries, the moment lance was away from Rachel Veronica picked her up gently tears quickly making their way down her face.

"She's dead....." Veronica sobbed loudly.

"You! This is all your fault! Was killing mom not enough!?" Marco glared at Lance, "You had to kill Rachel too?! She was your own twin!"

"N-no I *sniffle* I didn't *hick*  it-dad....." Lance stuttered.

"Just stop! What is wrong with you! Stop blaming others on what you did! You killed her Lance,just like you killed mom 6 years ago!" Veronica screamed

(Just had to add that since Lance "killed" Rosa the family never fed him but Rachel would always give her food to him being the "older" twin she thought she had to protect her bro. So instead of eating she'd say that she already had and  would give him what Lance thought was her seconds, because of that Rachel was really frail and small so even if she didn't  slam her head against the wall so hard she would've still died)
(Sorry its so short but hopefully it can full your quench for now.
Idk when my next update will be but y'all can probably guess that it won't be anytime soon :/ sorry y'all )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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