Chapter 1- Dissipatas Tabula Rosa

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Kade looked up from the ground as he approached his school. It was time for another day, another normal day...

When Kade made his way into the court yard, there was a man standing at a podium in the middle of the school. Many of Kade's classmates were gathered around him and he was giving a speech. Kade walked up and stood next to Ivan.

"...We all have that purpose in our lives, that thing that binds us to our mortal bodies, something that becomes the catalyst for our souls and dreams! That one inner desire that you hold deeply inside of you, or perhaps you wear on your sleeve. That one little thing that keeps you going. In this day and age, many of you don't know what your desires are, or even what your purpose is; but, I, Xander, know what beats inside your hearts. I will give the prize to you, my children." 

The man held up a stone tablet. On the table was everyone's name written in a different color. Xander smiled as he threw the tablet to the ground and it shattered like glass. A deafening noise was emitted that sounded like nails on a chalkboard and took everyone to their knees. Kade's ears were ringing when the noise finally stopped, but his vision was also fading out. Through blackouts he saw Jack stand up out of the crowd and grab someone next to him. He looked at the person, who was noticeably unconscious, and punched them in the throat multiple times. Jack turned to face Kade, and Kade's only instinct was to run. He turned to run, but he was tripped by Finch. Kade locked eye's with Finch, who had a wild look in his eyes. Finch smiled and said,

"You can't leave now...not while I finally have so many friends...You look so troubled...I'm gonna make you smile!!" Finch lunged at Kade, but Kade was able to move and get away. Jack continued to advance towards Kade and forced him to run as fast he could go towards the main building of the school. 

When he finally made it into a classroom, Kade slammed the door and locked it. He thought for a moment and then remembered where he was. He was in his philosophy class again...

"Mr. Li? Are you in here?"

" that you?" A weak voice came from in front of him. It was dark in the room, so Kade flipped on the lights. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw many students, just standing there. They looked like puppets. Faceless puppets.

"Don't worry about them. They can only conform to those who have an inner desire. These kids are without one," Mr. Li walked up to one of them and tapped them on the shoulder. The puppet didn't move. ", that fool Xander didn't account for all of these failures."

At that there was a crash and Jack came flying through the window. There was such anger in his eyes and he attacked a nearby puppet. He started beating them all down and as he threw one to the ground, a face began forming on it's blank canvas; it's black shirt began staining itself red, even despite it's color. Jack turned to Kade next and threw a punch at him. The punch stopped just inches before it connected with Kade. Jack spoke with a semi-demonic voice,

"You should be dead now, Kade! I never should have protected you, and now this wolf is gonna tear out your throat!" It was then that Kade realized what had stopped the punch. What stood between Kade and certain death was a pencil point. A pencil held by a focused Mr. Li. 

"Go, Kade. I'll deal with this ruffian." Jack threw another punch, but it was halted by a kick to the chest from Mr. Li. Kade unlocked the door and began running down the hall. 

"Where has my life gone? All of my friends...they've turned against me."

Tabula Rosa- The Inner DesireWhere stories live. Discover now