Chapter Twenty Nine

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You guys always do this where y'all get so nervous about what I'm doing with the story or why I'm ending it and you have to remember I plan EVERYTHING and if I'm doing something is for good reason lol, I know the ending of this story seems a little sudden but you have to trust me lmao

also it's Sunday and it hasn't stopped raining since  2AM and also it's 44 degrees outside which is why you're getting so many chapters today


Liam didn't say one word to me except for when he stopped in front of my house and said "bye."

He sat there and waited until I was inside, but I haven't spoken to him since.

After a could of hours of no messages, I found myself going into the living room and telling my Dad Liam has plans in the morning.

My Dad said he would take me to school, so I went back to my room and texted Liam and said, "hey don't worry about taking me to school tomorrow, my Dad will drop me off."

He never answered me.

I went to bed in tears because Liam is starting to be my best friend again, my rock again, and I feel like I did something to ruin it.

I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror and find myself wondering if my parents will let me skip today.

I woke up at four in the morning after a nightmare so bad I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

I couldn't go back to sleep.

My eyes are blood shot and I look like I've been crying, which I cried yesterday and this morning from the nightmare, but I haven't cried since.

I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and then a sports bra, followed by a thin navy blue sweatshirt with white stripes on it.

I paired it with slippers that look like moccasins.

"Savannah, let's go!" Dad calls from the living room.

I internally groan and shove a loose strand of hair into my bun.

I grab my cell phone and my backpack from my bedroom and walk into the living room.

"Do you need a ride home, too?" Dad asks.

"I don't know."

"Well can you text Liam and ask him?"

"I'll just talk to him at school." I say.

"I'm sure you will, but I would like to know now."

"Well..." I trail off and then shrug my shoulders. "Why can't I tell you when I talk to him at school?"

He sighs and shakes his head.

"Fine, let's go," he opens the front door.

Part of me was hoping Liam would be parked outside even though I told him he didn't have to come, but there's no black truck in sight.

Without a word, I get into my Dad's car and stare out the window.

"Are you and Liam okay?" he asks as he backs out of the driveway.

"Yup, we're fine," I say.

"That was the least convincing answer you could possibly give me," he mutters.

I shrug my shoulders in response and he sighs. I can see him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye, but he doesn't say anything.

When we get to school, my mood drops even further at the sight of all of the people.

Dad rolls to a stop and I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Have a good day." He says.

"Yup, thanks."

I grab my bag and get out, slamming the car door behind me.

I shove my hands into the pockets of my sweatshirt and walk down the hall towards AP Physics.

My mood goes even further south when I see Aiden.

He catches my eye and I unintentionally roll my eyes and keep walking, checking the time when I get closer to my class.

There's four minutes before the bell rings.

I look up after a moment and see Liam leaning against the wall by the door, scrolling through his phone.

Ignore him, he doesn't want to talk to you.

I open my messages to my Dad and start to text him not to pick me up, but before I can finish typing it, a hand closes around my wrist, pulling me away from the classroom door.

My phone falls from my hand onto the tile, and Liam picks it up off the ground, locks the screen, and shoves it into his pocket, not mine.

"You're avoiding me." He accuses.

I stand there for a moment and then I shrug my shoulders.

"You're right."

The sound of students passing fills our silence and I rake my fingers through my hair.

"Look," I begin, but he cuts me off before I can.

"I'm sorry," he says gently. "I'm sorry for falling asleep and almost hurting you. I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I'm sorry I didn't call. I'm sorry, Savvy. I was an asshole and I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I say.

"No, it's not okay. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

"I forgive you."

His eyes study me for a few moments and he looks like he's deep in emotions.

"Hug?" he opens his arms.

Without hesitating for even a moment, I walk into them, burying my face in his chest. My arms wrap around his waist, and his grip on me is tight.

I shut my eyes and sigh.

He's my best friend, and he has the power to make me feel safe, even in the most dangerous situations.

After a few seconds, I pull out of the hug and sighs.

"Why are you sighing?" he asks.

"I thought you hated me."

He smiles and shakes his head.

"I don't hate you, I could never hate you."

"Thank you, Liam. You're my best friend." I say.

The bell rings, so I turn around and reach for the handle of our first period, turning back to him after a moment.

"By the way, I have no idea what Aubrey was talking about. You're not a loose hugger at all."


Raise your hand if you know why Liam was up all night *inserts emoji with hand raised*

Also, can we please discuss the fact that it is SO FREAKING OBVIOUS that Liam has some feelings, but Savannah has no fricken idea?!? So it's hard to write because I just want them together already lmfao

Also, the next chapter is the last chapter, and then it's sequel time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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