The Riders interference

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Third person Pov

In a large clearing of a forest, the sounds of battle raged on a dirt path where caravans and horses may ride on by. The fight had just reached a conclusion as the three versus one battled ended, two of the participants holding their target steady as the third slipped on a white glove. The woman with the glove had black hair and amber eyes that looked to the kneeling woman in front of her. The two holding her being a grey haired young man and a green haired young woman, both younger then the others there. The remaining young woman, with brown hair and scared brown eyes. Her eyes shrunk as she stared the palm of the amber eyed woman's gloved hand, a black Beetle with white parts on its shell coming from some small portal on the glove, its red eyes staring at the woman's fearful ones. 

Brown haired woman: "Please d-don't..." She asks in a whisper as the bug creature shoots some black tar like substance from its mouth, covering parts of the woman's face including one of her eyes. The other eye lights like a flame as every covers her as she screams in pain, the glow of her powers traveling up the length of the bug and up the amber eyes woman's arm, channeling the power into her as her own visible eye lights up in the same show of flames, the window around the group blowing heavy enough that they don't hear the sound of a horse moving at fast speeds. Before the full extent of the power could be completely channeled, a gun shoot sounds the area and a bullet hits the black tendrils, instantly lighting it on fire that spreads to the connecting parts, primarily the amber eyed woman's arm, and the other woman's face. The fire burned away the glove, through the woman's thought fire proof clothing on her arm and went straight through her aura, making her scream in pain as she backed up, the glow diminishing and a symbol forming on her back. The flames on the other woman's face turned blue once the last of the black substance was removed, the woman falling to the ground as the two holding her let go in surprise. They looked over to the origin of the bullet to see something... surprising. A man, if he could even be called that, riding a horse, but the main point of attention was that they were both on fire, and the man looked like a skeleton with clothes on.

 A man, if he could even be called that, riding a horse, but the main point of attention was that they were both on fire, and the man looked like a skeleton with clothes on

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In his hand he held a Winchester rifle, but it was black and had chains wrapped around it, flames traveling along the barrel as he fired another shot towards the other two, who jumped back as they could see its flames could travel through aura

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In his hand he held a Winchester rifle, but it was black and had chains wrapped around it, flames traveling along the barrel as he fired another shot towards the other two, who jumped back as they could see its flames could travel through aura. While that happened the amber eyed woman was still trying to put out her flaming hand, deciding to use her new powers she made a large gust of wind blow the fire out, which succeeded but the damage was done, most of her arm contained third degree burns that her aura was attempting to heal as best it could, but it could only do so much as she had to focus on this new challenger. The unknown figure got close enough to dismount from his stead, his skull head looking at both the woman and the two teens, assessing them before in a burst of speed they couldn't even register, he appeared in front of the grey haired teen, making him attempt to jump back but the figure grabbed his arms with his boney hands, locking him in place with surprising grip strength. The figure leaned its flaming head towards the male, staring at him with its empty black eye sockets. No one made a noise except for the now steady breathing of the unconscious brown haired woman, most of the damage on her face having been taken away by the now dissipated blue flames. Suddenly it disappeared and was now in front of the green haired girl, making her jump and attempt to use her semblance to make it see her somewhere else, but it gave no response to her attempts other then shaking its head in a denied fashion, telling her that her powers won't save her this time. She went wide eyed at the action, a little fearful to what it was doing. It then appeared in front of the amber eyed woman, making her stand stiff, but her eyes narrowed in anger, but she knew better then to attack an unknown person with unknown powers who has shown to be able to hurt her through her aura. The figure stared her down and then looked to her injured arm, before back to her and then it spoke, in a raspy and dark tone, not human by any means.

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