Night on the town

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Third person Pov

The night sky of Vale made the kingdom almost feel peaceful, if that peace wasn't always disrupted by some kind of fight, speaking of-

???: "Argh!" Was the sound to break the silence after the origin of the noise was launched across the store front, into a wall that cracked at the force. Two other thug looking guys in black suits with red sunglasses and ties ran over to look into the aisle to see two people, a girl with a red hood on and in a martial arts stance, while a young man a couple of years older then her, maybe early twenties, still had his fist out from punching the thug into the wall. He pulled said fist back and went into the same stance as the girl. (A/N: The only kind of stance that comes to mind is Goku's traditional fighting stance so go with that, or just any marital arts stance.) The two thugs charge at them, but that only leads to the two being throw out of a window onto the street, the force knocking out one of them but only disorienting the other. Both the young man and girl exit the shop, to get more room when facing the other people. The girl does a flourish of moves with something on her back as it unfolded to reveal itself to be a giant metal scythe.

Young man: "What did we talking about needless movement Ruby." The young man stated without looking to the girl as he pulled the rifle from behind him and holding it by the end of the barrel as he hit the knocked down thug in the head with the back of the rifle. Ruby winced at his words, ignoring him knocking a guy out with blunt force.

Ruby: "Sorry Y/N..." She said before she looked to the front of the store, Y/N doing the same to see some more thugs and their ring leader. A Roman Torchwick, wearing his trademark white suit and black bowler hat. There appeared to be six more thugs around the criminal, all of them not looking too confident against the two.

Roman: "Well... get them." He ordered as Y/N kept his grip on the barrel of his gun, like he knew these people weren't even worth the ammo, and they really weren't. The six split, three going after the two of them each. Y/N ignored Ruby's fight as he knew she'd be fine, he was protective but not at the same levels that her family were, he knew her skills like the inside of his bike, which was on the side of the road parked next to the store, in its normal form. One thug decided to just lunge with a blade ready to swing, but Y/N dodged the swing easily and hit the man in the legs, making him fall before Y/N kicked him in the head without even looking back at him as he caught the red blade of the next thug. He looked unimpressed towards the thug before applying more pressure, breaking the blade and surprising the thug enough to pull him in front of him, just in time for the last thug to shoot at him, though the human shields body was protected by his aura. Once Y/N heard the telltale sound of an empty clip he calmly put his hands on either side of the thugs head, and *Snap!* his head was facing Y/N from behind. Y/N let go as the body fell, using the armed thugs surprise at him killing his buddy to rush him, punching him with enough force to break his weak aura and launch to Romans feet, at the same time as the thug Ruby launched landed next to it. Ruby noticed the dead body and made a whining noise towards Y/N who held his hands up as he put away his rifle.

Y/N: "Hey I only killed one this time, that's progress and you know it." He said as Ruby sighed but then nodded and looked back to a confused and annoyed Roman. 

Roman: "Well it seems like you two have things to work out so I'm just gonna go." He said and aim his cane at them, the bottom opening up and firing a flare like projectile that exploded on impact with the road, making Ruby jump back and Y/N just cover his eyes from the dust. Once said dust settled they both looked to see Roman was gone and now climbing up the ladder to a building. While Ruby made sure the old man who ran the story was fine before going after Roman, Y/N just closed his eyes for a second, opening them to revel glowing orange ones before he disappeared and reappeared on top of the roof of the building, grabbing Roman by before he could get off the ladder and defend himself. "What the-oh for-" He never finished as Y/N threw him across the roof, harshly landing on the concrete and rolling a bit. The sound of a gunshot echoed as Ruby landed next to Y/N, looking annoyed at him for just leaving her back there before she looked back at Roman.

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