xxvii. Twenty-seven

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Ana's pov.

It was early, I couldn't sleep. Everyone was leaving in two days, which meant that we all didn't have long together before they'd have to go and the thought of not seeing them all, but mainly Dylan for so long, made me so sad.

Me and millie hoped we would be able to go and visit the others on set, but we didn't know if it would actually happen either, after laying there for what felt like an eternity I finally got to sleep.

I woke up at around 8, I could tell everyone was up already as I could hear voices and footsteps outside, I got up slowly as I was still very tired and headed into the kitchen, where everyone was eating breakfast "hey ana!" Millie smiled, I smiled back sleepily and trudged over to make myself some breakfast.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Avi asked as I sat down at the table with everyone else, "ooh!" Millie said excitedly "I was thinking that maybe we could head into town and look around and shop, because I realised you guys have been here for almost two weeks now and we haven't done any shopping!" She finished with a grin, Dylan groaned "shopping?", Millie gave him and offended look which made him laugh awkwardly.

"Well we don't only have to do shopping?" I suggested "yea me and Mal were searching up places to explore earlier and we saw this like old chapel where you can experience like doing wedding vows there." Kitana added (I don't know if that's a thing I think it would just be funny) "okay who's getting married then?" Louis said sarcastically, "Dylan and Ana!" Millie shouted "woah slow down, he hasn't even asked her out yet." Avi laughed "emphasis on yet." Malina added winking at me, making me go red.

We ended up finally deciding on a little bit of shopping, exploring a castle ruins and dinner at the end of the day, it was going to be the best day.

Dylan's pov.

We all watched as Ana walked out of the room to go and get dressed, all the girls instantly turned to face me giggling "uhm?" I mutter, a little scared and confused "are you gonna ask her out?" Millie said "we think you should!" Malina added "today would be the perfect opportunity!" Kitana said "oh and we would help you out!" Avi finished, I raised my eyebrows at them all still grinning.

"I don't know." I mutter, "what's the matter?" Avi asked "I'm just scared, I don't know if I can do it." I say looking down now kind of embarrassed. "Oh thats Okay." Millie said, I could sense the sadness in her voice "you can just take your time."

Word count - 556
(Hey wow long time no see eh? I'm pretty sure I say that every time I go like two weeks without updating but this time it has genuinely been a long time, it's been like a month whoops but now I've got like the next seven chapters planned out the next thing is just to write them. Also sorry if this chapter is pretty boring it's kind of more of a filler but We'll get to the real tea next chapter I can promise that lol)
- published 28/2/19 edited ?

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