Old Town. Chapter 4.

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LEVI- 18








"mikasa are you really going to old town" eren said with worry and mikasa just nodded. "but its dangerous, even the cops and government gave up on the town, its a place used and lived by the worse of the worse" Armin said with worry and fear. "its fine, i can handle myself" mikasa said coldly and everyone turned to the excited little blonde by her side. "are you sure you dont want to come with us to a fair yukio" hanji said with a smile. "no i wanna go with mikasa, I'm really excited to hang out with her" yukio cheered and everyone smiled with worry. "make sure you dont let anything happened to those two, the only reason i gave mikasa the OK to go is because your be guarding them" Farlan said with worry. "dont worry, i protect them no matter what" Levi said rolling his eyes and mikasa turned to them both.

"is something wrong mikasa" hanji smiled. "you guys stand out too much, put these on they help hide your vibe a little" mikasa said and passed two warn out hoddies. "well i guess she right, we can tell you guys are not from old town just by looking at you" eren said with a grin. "mikasa has her killer vibe and dangerous look so she be fine but you two seem too good" Armin smiled and Levi with yukio put the hoddies on. "wow so cool, I'm just like mikasa" yukio said with a grin and held mikasa hand. "lets just go" Levi said a little grump but he liked how it smelled of mikasa a little. "have fun" Farlan yelled with a smile and the three headed out. 


"wow mikasa, look at this art work .. it looks like a real dead rat" yukio said excited. "it is a real dead rat, keep your heads down and leave the talking to me" mikasa said with worry and yukio ran by her side. "gross, dont touch anything" Levi hissed and looked to his feet. 

"wow, i wanna try" yukio cheered and ran over to a gun stall. "sure a little fun wont harm us" Levi said and pay for five turns. "so what are you both after" mikasa asked as she looked over to what they could win. "i want the teddy clip, it looks so cute" yukio cheered and shot at it but it didnt fall. "I'm going for the black leather bracelet" Levi said and shot at it but failed so the boys both pouted a little. "two tries" mikasa said as she placed the money down and picked the gun up shooting it in cool pose. "well done, you win these" the stall man smiled and passed the two things the boys was after. "here, now you wont lose it and it looks cute on you" mikasa said as she clipped the small teddy clip in yuki hair keeping his sides out his face and it did look nice on him. "thanks mikasa, i love it" yukio cheered and hugged her. "thanks, that was nice shooting" Levi smirked as he put the black leather bracelet on. "no worries now let go" mikasa said as she started walking and the two boys followed her. 

"so where are we going" Levi asked as he looked around the street to feel more grossed out. "is it somewhere nice and fun" yukio asked with a smile. "the town hospital, i got business here but you two are gonna wait outside like good boys" mikasa said back and they both pouted. 

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